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A/N: This part is kinda long, sorry if it gets boring! Thank you sooo much for 700 reads!!

Snap! "You ready to get out of here?" Kelly closed Stella's bag and swung it over his shoulder. "Obviously, I can't wait to be in our own home again!" 4 weeks had passed since the fire and Stella's surgery, there were small complications with Stella's breathing so they kept her under observation for a little longer. Everyday Brett came to visit after being on a call as Severide was out on shift but he wasn't today. "Stella, your discharge papers have been completed, you're free to go!" April said excitedly, she opened the door leading Stella and Kelly out. At the doors of the hospital April explained that Stella could start light duty in around a week which she was overjoyed with, "Thanks April!" Stella shouted as she waddled to Kelly's mustang, she turned quickly. Stella yelled back "April, could we find out the gender of the baby?" April smiled, "Of course, I'll page Dr. Manning." She put Kelly's hand on her shoulder for support as they headed back into med. Natalie found the couple at the door and led them through to an examination room. Kidd laid down on the bed and tried to get comfortable which she found difficult, Kelly held her hand as Manning lifted her jacket to do the ultrasound, Stella winced in pain as the cold gel hit her scar. "It's a.... girl!" Manning beamed from ear to ear as she saw Severide's face light up with excitement, she wiped the gel from Stella's belly and printed the sonogram as Kelly helped her up. Severide quickly took it out of Natalie's hand, he stared at it in wonder. "Come on then Kelly! Its starting to rain!" Stella was already at the door, she couldn't wait to get home.

Severide shut the car door as she sat down, "Uh, she's getting so big already!" Kidd looked down, her seatbelt was now quite tight around her bump. "Well I think you still look breathtaking..." Severide started laughing, "Is that a lung joke?! Get it out of your system!" Kelly jumped out the car as soon as they got back to the apartment and raced round to open the door for Stella, she struggled to get out even with Severide holding her. Finally, she got up, Severide found it hard to stay in sync with Kidd's slow pace. After reaching the apartment door Stella was out of breath. Kelly opened the door slowly, Stella's eyes widened. She gasped, an area of their home had been transformed into a nursery "Kelly, this is perfect!" "Casey helped set it all up, he said we should choose a name before putting a monitor above her cot." Stella grabbed Kelly's hands, "Well I do have one idea.." Kelly looked in her dreamy eyes. "What about Blaze! You know, a fire could be called a blaze." His mouth dropped wide open, "I think it's perfect!" "Sh- Blaze is kicking! You want to feel?" Severide placed his hand on Stella's bump, Blaze kicked a little, they laughed sitting down. Kelly stroked her hair, slowly Stella fell asleep in his arms. Cradling her he fell asleep as well.

Stella woke up, puzzled she found herself in bed. "You're awake!" Kelly came into their room already dressed, he helped Stella up "Blaze, are you ready for your first day in the firehouse!" Stella chuckled, she got up and put on her clothes which were now a little bit tight for shift. She couldn't wait to be back at work, she missed firefighting and wanted to make the most of it even if Boden put on light duty. Stella popped a piece of toast in her mouth, gave her bag to Severide and tried to drag him out the door. "We still have 15 minutes before we have to leave!" "I know, but I want to get to the firehouse early and I thought we could shop from a monitor." Kelly couldn't disagree with her, he wanted Blaze's nursery to be perfect. He let Stella guide him down the stairs into his car and away to the shop. "I've seen one from here, it looks perfect!" She pulled Kelly round a corner, her face cringed. "Uh, it looked so nice on their website.." "You know Casey could just make one, it would be more special than whatever that was supposed to be." Tears started to fall from Stella's eyes, pregnancy had made her an emotional mess, "It's ok Stella ,don't cry." Kelly hugged her, "Come on, let's get to the firehouse."

"I didn't think i'd be this nervous.." Stella grabbed Kelly's muscular arm, he led her into the firehouse slowly. She could see that through the windows the common room was empty, this could mean 2 things: everyone was hiding to surprise Stella or they were the first people to arrive. "Can you go in first, I really don't want them to scare me." He chuckled, "Alright, I'm sure they won't though!" As soon as he opened the door everyone jumped up from behind the counter shouting "Welcome back Stella!" Kelly started to slip, Stella caught him just as his bum touched the ground. They helped each other up, "Told you they'd do this!" Stella slapped him lightly on the cheek. Boden strolled in, "Meeting in 5 minutes." "I'm going to put our bags away." Severide hurried away while everyone else fonded over Stella. Cruz got her a chair and Otis gave her a magazine. "God guys, you don't need babysit me!" Stella stood up sharply, took Brett by the arm and made her way into the meeting room. As soon as they reached the door Stella turned round, "Uh, I need the toilet again!" "Come on then!" Brett said cheerfully as she walked her to the bathroom and waited until Stella had finished. As she emerged Brett smiled, "What?" Stella was confused, Sylvie looked a little creepy like she was going to cry. "Nothing, I just really missed you!" Stella smiled back and hugged her friend. "I missed you too Brett! Now come on, we're probably late for the meeting."

"Look who decided to show up!" Everybody shifted their eyes to the ladies as Hermann spoke. Stella rolled her eyes as she moved to her usual seat next to Otis. The meeting was quite boring, luckily it got cut short as the alarms rang "Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61!" Everyone apart from Chief Boden had rushed outside to the fire trucks before Stella even had a chance to stand up, "Kidd, my office." As she struggled to get up she sensed a stern tone in his voice. She got to his door and knocked. "Take a seat," Stella sat down in the hard leather chair, she rubbed her belly trying to get comfortable which was becoming more difficult as each day went by. "So how are you feeling?" "Not too bad, I just hate having to go to the toilet every couple of minutes and I barely get any sleep because of morning sickness." Boden chuckled, "Donna went through the same thing." Then he sighed, "Stella, I would like you to work alongside Brett on 61 until you're put on non-active duty. We still haven't found an appropriate replacement for Dawson, you have your EMT certification and it'd be a lot safer because of your condition." "Of course Chief, anything else?" "No, you'll start on ambo next shift." Stella nodded as she walked away. She was grateful to work on ambo, it gave her more opportunities to hang out with Brett. Soon enough Truck and Squad arrived back from the call while Ambo got back a little later. Severide went to his quarters, he came to the conclusion that that was where Stella was most likely to be. He opened the door, an inch at a time as he noticed Kidd asleep in his bunk. Kelly giggled, she must've been exhausted even through she hadn't done much that day. He pulled a chair over to the bunk, he rested his head close to her stomach and started to whisper to his child hoping to not wake Stella. She started to stir, as she turned her head Kelly saw that Kidd looked quite pale. He looked at her anxiously, before sprinting out the room she said "I don't feel good..." Severide followed her as she passed everyone and ran in the bathroom, he slowed to catch his breath but picked up the pace again after hearing her vomit. He rushed in to see and hear her sob as she threw up again. Kelly moved her ponytail out of the way and rubbed his hand up and down Stella's back hopefully offering her a sense of security as he was by her side "I'm sorry you feel so bad... I'll go and get you a glass of water if you want" Stella moved her head slightly to signal him that it was alright. "Hey Severide, everything ok with Kidd?" Casey could tell Severide was worried about her. "I hate seeing her like this, she's trying to stay strong but I know she's going to crack at some point. It's just morning sickness at the moment but the further along she gets with her pregnancy the more pain she'll be in." "You just need to be there for her." Kelly nodded and then gasped, he was so caught up with talking to Casey he completely forgot about getting a drink for Stella. Kidd was relieved when she finally heard the bathroom door open, she hadn't thrown up since Kelly left so she felt a little better but still not great. "Hey, you two feeling better?" "A little, I'm just tired now." He handed her the glass and after a few sips she gave it back, "I don't want to be sick again." Kelly put the glass on top of the sink, when he turned around Stella dozed off on the floor. Severide scooped her up in his arms, grabbed a bucket just in case she felt sick again and took her back to his bunk. "Ssh!" he whispered, Cruz laughed a little as Kelly carried her through the common room, "Cruz, this isn't funny! You have no idea how tired she is!" "Sorry Lieutenant.."

Most of shift had passed, Kelly had spent the time while not on calls snuggling with Stella and talking to Blaze, she had thrown up a couple more times still half asleep but that was to be expected. When Stella woke up she was confused, she wasn't on the bathroom floor ,she was in Kelly's bunk. No one was around the firehouse so she figured they were out on a call. Her eyes began to close again as she felt someone shaking her awake, "Hey Kelly, Chief." "Kidd, I've decided that you and Severide should spend a week off, you need to get used to the new feelings in your body and relax more. Stress isn't good for the baby or you!" Boden sighed. "Uh of course Chief." Stella sat up and started to weep. "Come on, let's go home." Kelly helped her stand up, she rested her head on his arm as they slowly walked to the car hoping not upset Stella's tummy anymore. They were both silent as Kelly drove back to the apartment, when they arrived back he turned to her and softly said "I had an idea-" Severide smiled, yet again Stella had fallen asleep.

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