The funeral

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A week had passed, Kelly (from what it looked like) was no longer grieving his father, obviously he was lying... but thankfully everyone noticed before he completely went off the rails.

51 knew Kelly wasn't doing well- he'd lash out on calls, get drunk at Molly's, yell at Stella for being too emotional or for having weird cravings which she couldn't help and now she was off duty he had tasked her with finding one of Benny's old medals. She eventually found it (with the help of Mouch, Casey and Hermann) but it gave her a lot of stress and pressure as the funeral neared.


"Hey Stella" As soon as Kelly saw her face all his pain and sadness washed away. "Hi" She quietly replied. Severide looked down at Stella's stomach, her firefighter blues only just seemed to fit over her bump. "Hey, sorry if I've been..." "You don't need to explain anything." Stella shook her head, deep down she knew what he was going through, it was hard for her when she lost her parents as a child. "I have something for you..." Stella pulled out  a brown box, Kelly gave her a small smile as he opened it to see Benny's old CFD medal. "Thank you" He whispered, Stella nodded happily as Kelly planted a kiss on her lips. They seperated as headed into the church, arms linked.

The chaplain read a couple of prayers before it was time for Severide's speech. "My father was a legendary firefighter..." He paused, "I know this because he told me all the time." Kelly smiled as some of the crowd laughed. "But he wasn't wrong. On March 16th 1993 he pulled 7 people out of the Packstin Hotel fire. They were trapped, nobody could figure out how to get to them, but Benny wouldn't give up. Even when the building was coming down on top of him. That was Benny Severide, he always had to things his own way, he was stubborn, and man... he was tough. Sometimes too tough. He battled, for the people he loved and as hard as he battled any fire. But every now and then..." Severide's eyes filled up with tears "When you needed him the most he'd have your back whether you knew it or not, no matter what the cause. It took me..." Kelly's voice cracked, "It took me too long to figure that out, but I'll never forget it." Kelly walked down to his father's coffin, "Sleep tight Dad."

It was cold outside, the crisp Chicago wind blew making it seem colder than it actually was. Just as the men starting carrying the coffin outside sirens could be heard. Everyone looked up, firetruck after firetruck gathered around the church to pay their respects- aireals on trucks were raised, firefighters lined up. A voice could be heard over the wind... "Battalion Chief Benjamin Severide has returned to quarters." A bell sounded, Kelly remembered the bell from Shay's tribute... god he missed her. "He is cleared from all his duties, he is gone but never forgotten, may he rest in peace with his brothers and sisters above." Now Boden's voice could be heard "Ready? Step." Severide and the others carried Benny's coffin forward through the crowd.

A/N I updated my Chicago Fire One Shots yesterday, if you have any episode suggestions for them let me know!!

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