Towering Inferno

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"Alright everyone, Squad 3 and Truck 81 search the fire floors, Engine 51 get everyone else out!" Chief Boden boomed, his voice could be clearly heard over all the screaming, "We're going to war!" "Lets go!" Casey shouted. The walk up the stairs was long, floor after floor, step after step. Stella looked down at her stomach, she thought there was a little bit of a bump but she couldn't be sure because of all the protection she was wearing and even if there was a bump it wasn't too obvious which is what Stella wanted. She would try and keep her pregnancy a secret, as soon as anyone knew about it she'd be on light duty away from all the exhilarating action. "Kidd! Focus!" Casey shouted "We'll take the 23rd floor. Hermann, Mouch, search the 19th." The four split up. Stella cleared her mind, she couldn't let personal problems get in the way of her job. When reaching the 23rd floor Matt and Stella split up across the hallway, "Fire department, call out!" They shouted hoping to hear someone. No one called out. They did this again with all the other apartments, no one called out. Casey reached for his radio, "Hermann, what does the 19th floor look like?" Within a second he responded. "All clear Lieutenant."


They met back up on the 22nd floors south stairwell, all their radios started vibrating, it was Severide. "I need 2 to assist me on floor 20, I've got a young boy trapped and Engine 37 are running out of air." "We'll be right there Kelly." Casey quickly shouted back. The four split up again, this time Casey and Mouch went up to search the top floor, the 25th floor and Kidd and Hermann went down onto the 20th floor to help Severide out. Stella looked down, her oxygen tank was running low, she could change it but Kelly needed her help so she kept going.

The flames were soaring high on the walls and the floors, they were losing control of the fire. "Kelly, we're here!" Stella shouted into her radio. They grabbed the hose tightly while Engine 37 escaped to the smoky stairwell and away to safety. Inside the apartment Severide could see that there was no way he could escape before the flames were put out, "Guys, I'm forming a self rescue." He said calmly before coupling himself to a radiator. Kelly hung himself out the window 100's of metres above the ground. "Don't do anything stupid Kelly!" Kidd replied back, she looked down and her alarm was going off! Stella had run out of oxygen! Suddenly she dropped on the floor struggling for air, her eyes shut, she couldn't breathe. Hermann turned around and saw his friend unconscious on the floor, "May-day, may-day! Kidd is down! I need assistance on 20!" Severide heard the call on his radio, "I'm on my way Hermann!" He rushed back up the stairwell to meet them. Hermann had taken his oxygen mask off to hopefully get Stella breathing again but it wasn't working. Severide picked her and swung her over his shoulder, he quickly ran down the stairwell just like he did at home but this time he wasn't chasing her, he was saving her. Casey and Cruz met them on the bottom floor to help carry Stella out. "Omg Stella! I've got a pulse but she's not breathing!" Brett saw her friend lifeless as they lifted her onto the ambulance rig, she put her feelings aside and intubated. Hermann kept repeating the words "She just dropped." as he felt it was all his fault, he should have kept a closer eye on Stella. "Lets go!" Brett shouted, they loaded her into the ambulance and then Severide jumped in. "We'll meet you at the hospital." Boden announced, "Let's give them an escort." 61's sirens started blasting as they rushed away, Squad 3, Truck 81 and Engine 51 rushed behind them.

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