He's gone

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"Severide... you should sit down."

As soon as those words left Ava's mouth Severide knew he was dead, his father was dead, the man he spent most of his life hating was gone... He snapped out of thought when he heard Bekker's voice again "... I'm very sorry Kelly, there's nothing we could've done to save him." Stella's grip on his arm tightened as Ava walked away "Thank you Ava." "Kelly?" "I could've been a better son Stella..." Kelly's voice cracked as Stella wrapped in a hug "Kelly don't say that-" "But it's true!" "It's not-" "You wouldn't understand Stella! I need some air!" "Severide!" She shouted as he stomped off. Minutes later 51 walked in "Kidd?" "C- Captain" "Where's Kelly?" The others had no idea where he was, they assumed Kelly and Stella had gotten into a fight "He said he needed some air... I- I'm not sure where he went." "I'll find him." Stella lifted her head up revealing her teary eyes as Casey sped out to find Severide.

"Severide..." Matt found him sitting on a bench, the same bench he sat on the day Stella almost lost her lung. "The last time I was here Stella almost died and now I'm here again and Benny died..." "I'm sorry Kelly." "I wasn't a good son Matt!" Casey put his hand on Severide's shoulder "I can't really speak from experience but I know that Benny's so proud of you for all you've achieved... I know you guys didn't have a great relationship but he respected you and wanted you to do well even if he never showed it or told you." "Thanks Casey, I shouldn't of snapped at Stella..." "Kelly..." "I told her she didn't understand, I shouldn't of said that to her..." "Why?" "She never talks about her parents- she's mentioned it once before they died when she was a teenager. From overdozing or something, she told me when everything with Grant went down." "Kidd knows you didn't mean it, talk to her." They stood up and headed back inside to the others.

Kelly approached Stella who was wrapped up in Hermann's arms and knelled down, he put his hands on her knees and said "I'm sorry Stella, I shouldn't of snapped. I know you hate taking about you parents and I shouldn't of said what I said-" Before he could even finish his sentence Stella had hugged him telling him it was alright. "I love you" "I love you too" He sobbed. Footsteps entered the room, it was Maggie. "Kelly, I need you to come with me." She sadly smiled, Kelly stood up and followed her into the ED. "Alright..." Everyone turned to face Boden, "Everyone back to the house," He looked at Stella "Stay with him- he's going to need your support, he'll need all of our support." "Yes Chief" She nodded glumly as 51 walked away.

A/N sooooo, sneak peek into Stella's past (I'm gunna cover it soon!) From what the show has told Stella used as a teen and she wouldn't have made it out of her teens if it wasn't for Grant. This makes me believe that something traumatic happened to her and we know nothing about Stella's parents (from what I remember lol) soooo they could be dead or in a bad place...

Sorry this part is up late, schools been kicking my ass and its reallyyyyyyy annoying!

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