They're were good people- or so I thought...

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"I liked your speech." Stella rubbed circles on Kelly's back. He flopped back onto his pillow and Stella snuggled into his chest. "Thanks but I'd rather not talk about it." "Ok-" "The other day..." Stella looked up "What day?" "You were crying. It was something to do with Grant." Kelly could feel her tense up "Oh... it's nothing." "It's not nothing." "Fine... Grant got me hooked on drugs with him as a teenager... I got clean but he didn't and I tried to help him but it didn't work so I left him, but he kept crawling back. I didn't want to say no, he reminded me of my parents too much and I didn't want Grant to end up like them- dead." Stella sighed as Kelly put his arms round her waist. "Do you want to talk about it- about your parents?" "I do actually, I need to get it off my chest. I was 15 when they died and around that time I had started dating Grant, I had no idea he was addicted. I stayed with his family and I guess he got me roped on drugs... Anyway, they were good people- or so I thought. I was an accident and my parents didn't know how to take care of me properly, they were good friends with Grant's family, I would spend most of my time at their house even though they were addicts... they weren't as addicted as my parents but still. They didn't care about me, it was like sometimes they forgot who I was. They both oded, my dad when I was 13 and my mum when I was 15..." 

Hours later Stella stopped rambling still snuggled with Severide. "I'm sorry you had to deal with all that and that you felt like you couldn't talk to anyone." Stella weakly smiled, "Thanks..." "I'm sorry for snappi-" "Don't... its fine. You had just got some huge news." "I know, I know. But..."Kelly! Its fine... just get some sleep, you have shift tommorrow."

A/N Sorry this is up late! Next part will hopefully be up at the weekend!

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