twenty one

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Fayette went to bed with her head pounding. She could barely stand up straight, and her current state caused her emotions to come out. She laid down on her bed with thoughts that physically hurt to think about.

"Is Jack just like Miles?"

"I can't trust anyone anymore, can I?"

"Should I move out?"

"Will my EP be successful? Was it all a waste of time?"

"Did I deserve what happened to me?"

"I'm just gonna shut everyone out, then maybe I'll be secure with who I am."

"Will my parents finally be proud of me when the EP is released?"

"Is this a mistake?... Am I a mistake?"

Fayette had ignored everyone all day. All her friends were worried, her sibling were concerned, and Jack had been messaging her all day wondering if she was okay. It was around 3 a.m., but Fayette couldn't sleep. She had only opened a couple of her friends messages, but none of Jack's or her siblings'. She finally gathered enough energy to look at them, and she was slightly disappointed in herself for making them worry as much as they did when she saw just how many messages and missed calls she had.

21 messages and 4 missed calls from Zay 💙

19 messages and 2 missed calls from Quinn 🔥

29 messages and 11 missed calls from Eulalie 🌈

25 messages and 8 missed calls from Cat 😺

10 messages and 1 missed call from Izzy 💖

12 messages and 5 missed calls from Andreee 

10 messages and 19 missed calls from noodles 🍜

Fayette opened everyone's messages and let them know that she was okay, except for Jack. After everything that happened with Miles, Fayette need a break from famous people. Sure, Quinn might be a very successful and famous actor, but she's been friends with him since childhood. It's different with Jack. She wants to be his friend, but trust issues and anxiety are getting in the way of that. She finally gave in and read Jack's messages.

noodles 🍜

Hey, I saw your post, are you okay?

You seemed a little off.

it's fine if you don't wanna talk right right now,

but just know that I'm here for you, whenever

just like we promised.

how are the songs coming?

hopefully the world will be able to hear your beautiful voice soon.

in the words of Zayn, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn.

i gotta go, but i'll be here when you're ready.

i promise.

Fayette had an urge to reply, but she forced herself to ignore him and go to sleep. But, when she tried to sleep, her heart ached. It felt like she just lost the love of her life, but she didn't know why.

𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀,   jack averyWhere stories live. Discover now