fifty eight

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The next day went by fairly quickly. The boys, Faye, and Eulalie all hung out again and went home around five. Jack and Faye had their date at six, so Fayette had about a half an hour to get ready.

"Hurry up!" Eulalie told Faye. Eulalie was very excited about this date, for reasons Faye didn't know.

"Okay, okay! I'm done, and leaving," Faye replied, leaving the apartment before Eulalie could say anything else.

Faye got an Uber and told the driver the address that Jack gave her. After a couple minutes, she pulled up to a fairly empty beach. Faye got out of the car and started walking to the sand. The sand was still very hot despite it being pretty far into the evening. Fayette spotted Jack near the water and picked up her pace.

"Boo!" Fayette shouted from behind Jack. Jack jumped a little and turned around, looking very startled.

"Jesus, Faye!" Jack laughed. Faye laughed with him before he took her hand and lead her back up onto the sand to the blanket he had laid down, "Wanna go swimming?"

"Of course, why the hell would we be here if we didn't?" Faye replied. After taking off the clothes that were on top of her swimsuit, Faye went back to the water. Jack came in after her.

"How the hell do you live here? It's so fucking hot!" Faye exclaimed.

"I've gotten used to it," Jack laughed.

"Hey, I have to tell you something," Fayette said, motioning for Jack to come over to her.

"What is it?" Jack asked. As soon as he was in front of her, Faye splashed a whole bunch of water onto his face.

"Oh fuck you!" Jack shouted before splashing her back.

"Hey!" Faye screamed. They continued just fooling around in the water for a couple hours before finally deciding that it was time to get out.

"Wait, don't get out yet," Jack instructed. Faye furrowed her brows as Jack got out of the water. He came back soon after with his phone, "Photo shoot?"

Faye laughed but agreed nonetheless. After Jack took an ungodly amount of photos, they finally got out. The two dried off and just laid on the blanket for a bit. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Jack spoke up.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"You wanna be my girlfriend?" Jack asked, nonchalantly. Although Jack seemed very calm, Faye was not. She shot up and stared at the boy beside her.

"Huh?" She asked, not sure if she had heard him right.

"Do you, Fayette Monet, want to be my girlfriend," Jack said, sitting up as well.

"Why?" Fayette asked. It might not have been the best choice of words, but she honestly couldn't understand why Jack would want to formally and exclusively date her.

"Because I like you," Jack shrugged, "I hope you do too 'cause I'm getting kinda worried right now..."

"Yes, dumbass, I'll be your girlfriend," Fayette answered.

"Thank God," Jack breathed out, wrapping his arms around Fayette. She returned the hug and laughed at herself.

"Sorry, I'm stupid, I just didn't know why you'd want to- you know what, nevermind. Let's just have fun," Fayette said. They pulled apart and Jack stood up.

"Race you to the water?" Jack asked.

"You're on, noodles," Faye replied, standing up as well and running towards the ocean.

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