seventy one

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Liked by @xofayette, @corbynbesson and 342,548 others

jackaverymusic: im getting married lol

xofayette: omg me too lol

jackaverymusic: what a weird coincidence?

xofayette: ikr?

seaveydaniel: um excuse me- WHAT?

jackaverymusic: heh

user1: is this fr or are we being pranked

jackaverymusic: nah its fr <3

imzachherron: what about #jachary ???

jackaverymusic: whoops

user2: omfg wutttttttttt?!!!!!

user3: this is unexpected

user4: i don't know what to comment...

jonahmarais: wow. we let you go to france for christmas and now ur getting married. wtaf

jackaverymusic: it is what it is

user5: fayette is so lucky omg im crying

jackaverymusic: im the lucky one as cliche as that sounds

corbynbesson: WHAT THE HELL? i don't go on insta for a day and now jacks getting married??!

user6: yup, welcome to the shocked as hell party. here's your invite ✉

corbynbesson: the invite arrived a little late

user6: it's apart of the process


jackaverymusic: IKR LIKE SHES A GODDESS

beautychickee: SHE RLLY IS

imzachherron: @jackaverymusic @beautychickee STOP YELLING

jackaverymusic: @imzachherron NOOOO

beautychickee: @imzachherron FUCK NO


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Liked by @beautychickee, @imzachherron and 254,575 others

xofayette: this was unexpected, but im not complaining.

jackaverymusic: what a nice ring? who picked that out for you?

xofayette: oh, just some curly haired dumbass

jackaverymusic: tell that curly haired dumbass that he has good taste

xofayette: okay!

xofayette: u have good taste @jackaverymusic

jackaverymusic: thank you, m'lady *tips fedora*

user1: wth is this?

jonahmarais: my bestie is gonna be a wifey 🥺

xofayette: 🥺

user2: im so happy for u! the ring is beautiful!

xofayette: u are so sweet omg

corbynbesson: damn jack actually does have good taste tf

xofayette: ikr

corbynbesson: like can he pick out my accesories from now on

jackaverymusic: fo sho dude

corbynbesson: thnx man

seaveydaniel: omg wait this is real? omg wtffffffff???? i call dibs on saying a toast at the wedding

imzachherron: no i wanna say it

seaveydaniel: too late baby face

jackaverymusic: u realize more than one of u can say one?

imzachherron: oh...

user3: my parents are getting married 🥺 i can't wait for the pics oml

beautychickee: ilysm im crying right now i can't wait for this omgggggggg!!!

xofayette: me toooooo!!! u are so being a bridesmaid

beautychickee: OML THANK U ILY U BB

xofayette: NO ILY

imzachherron: im not crying u are

jonahmarais: no, ur crying. like a baby

imzachherron: STAPH


THAT'S IT, THAT'S THE END! I am so thankful for all of you and I'm so excited to begin some new stories for you all! This was a roller coaster, so thank you for sticking around! I love you all and hope to see you around!

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