twenty nine

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hey faye


don't call me that.

what do you want?


i just wanted to say im sorry

i truly love you and i've made a lot of mistakes

but i want to start over




i swear, Mae was a mistake.

i love you so much and i know you are going to make it big

so let me help you



delete my number from your phone, miles


please just hear me out

we were great together

if we got back together, your EP would get so many streams


first of all, we were horrible together

you were manipulative and rude

our relationship was toxic and you know that.

secondly, i know you only want to get back together because you think that when the EP drops, i'll be successful and you want more publicity. im not stupid, miles.


you know, you can be a real bitch sometimes


excuse me?


you just walk around acting like you own the place

you're just a self absorbed bitch


don't talk to me.

you can't just beg me to take you back and then insult me.

im blocking your number, don't contact me again.


french fry 🍟

men are trash.

noodles 🍜

do i need to remind you that i am a man?

french fry 🍟


most men are trash.

noodles 🍜

that's better

now, why are men trash

french fry 🍟

my ex just tried to convince me to get back together with him

when i said no, he called me a self absorbed bitch

so i blocked him.

 noodles 🍜


men are trash

french fry 🍟


noodles 🍜

is the guy miles davis?

french fry 🍟

yeah, why

noodles 🍜

no reason

ill be back in a minute



You're Fayette's ex, right?




Leave her alone. She doesn't want you back.

The next time you contact her, we're gonna have a problem.


Why? Are you her boyfriend or something?


No, but i care about her. She's one of my best friends and I don't want someone, who is obviously a bad asset to her life, talking to her.





Hey, you're going out with Jack Avery, right?


Kinda, I mean we've gone on a few dates but we're not official yet. Hopefully we are soon.


Well, I'd just like you to know that when you make it official, you should ask him to not talk to other girls. He's actually talking to my ex right now, and I'd hate for you to get so far with him only to find out that he was talking to other girls.


Thank you so much! I'll talk to him and the girl. Can I ask what her name is?


Fayette, but I'm pretty sure he calls her Faye. Her contact name might not even be her real name, it could be a nickname. Just watch out.


I will! Thank you again, have a nice day!


You too!

𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀,   jack averyWhere stories live. Discover now