forty four

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"Hey, you feeling better?" Daniel asked as he entered the room to check up on Jack.

"Yeah, I talked to Faye and she helped me out," Jack answered, sitting up in his bed.

"What'd she say?" Daniel asked, slightly intrigued.

"I told her that I felt as useless as a white crayon, and she said that I just needed to find someone who prefers black paper," Jack told him.

"Okay, but that is fucking beautiful," Daniel said, sitting down on the edge of Jack's bed.

"I know right,  but now I have to find my black paper..." Jack trailed off. This caused Daniel to scoff slightly and shake his head.

"What?" Jack wondered. Daniel laughed at his friend's stupidity and looked at him.

"Fayette can be your black paper," He said.

"What? No, she's my friend," Jack replied.

"I don't know if you are aware, but you get super happy when someone even mentions Faye. Luna may have clouded your judgement, but I think you have real feelings for Faye, you just need to admit them to yourself," Daniel told him.

Jack shook his head and ran a hand through his curls, "No, we're not like that."

"Describe Fayette to me," Daniel instructed, standing up and crossing his arms over his chest.

Jack answered without hesitation, "She's loving, thoughtful, sarcastic, witty, sympathetic. Not to mention her captivating eyes and sweet-" Jack stopped himself when he'd realized what he was doing; proving Daniel's point.

"Okay, just say you have feelings for Faye," Daniel said, smirking.

"But I don't," Jack replied.

"Just say it, even if you don't," Daniel demanded. Jack muttered a 'fine' before doing what Daniel said.

"I like Faye," Jack said, blankly. There was no emotion in his voice, which annoyed Daniel because he knew Jack was just trying to prove him wrong.

"Say you have feelings, like you would normally do if you liked someone," Daniel instructed. Jack finally gave in and did as Daniel instructed.

"I have feelings for Faye," He said, this time with emotion and sincerity. A few moments passed before Jack's eyes widened and his attention shot up to the taller boy standing to the side of him.

Daniel looked back at him with his eyebrows raised, waiting for Jack to say something. But, what Jack said was not what he really wanted to hear, "Fuck you," Jack said before falling onto his back and covering his whole body with the comforter.

Daniel groaned and pulled the covers off of Jack, to which he received an annoying groan in response. Daniel looked at Jack with expecting eyes before Jack finally sat back up.

"You were right, are you happy? Well now I have feelings for Fayette and I'm gonna destroy our friendship," Jack told Daniel.

"Not necessarily," Jonah said, walking into the bedroom.

"You heard?!" Jack asked, worried everyone in the house would soon know about his feelings.

"Yes, but that's besides the point. You like Faye, so just tell her. I bet the feeling is mutual," Jonah said.

"No way, I can't tell her that, especially not with her EP coming out. It'll throw her off," Jack replied. Daniel didn't know why Jonah decided to side with him, but he could tell there was something that Jonah was hiding.

Daniel and Jonah watched as Jack hid himself in his bed. Daniel grabbed Jonah's arm, inevitably confusing him. He pulled the older boy into another room and locked the door.

"What do you know?" Daniel asked.

"What do you mean?" Jonah asked, despite knowing exactly what Daniel was talking about.

"Don't play dumb, you know something about this whole situation. Now spill!" Daniel commanded.

"I don't like authoritative Daniel," Jonah said.

"C'mon, just tell me what's going on!" Daniel demanded.

"Fine, Faye likes Jack," Jonah admitted, mentally cursing himself for breaking the promise he made to Fayette.

"I knew it! So now we need to get them together!" Daniel cheered.

"It's not that easy, Dani. I've been trying to hint at Faye's feeling to Jack for the past few days, but he just isn't getting it. Luna fucked him up, he can't even see what's right in front of him," Jonah told him.

"I have an idea," Daniel blurted out.

"What is it?" Jonah asked.

"We tell Jack that Faye is starting to see someone, so if he doesn't shoot his shot now, he'll never get to," Daniel  said.

"So you want us to lie to him?" Jonah wondered.

"Yup," Daniel answered.

"I'm in."

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