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It was just interview after interview. Faye went home every night exhausted and barely got to hang out with the boys. Eulalie had already started packing up for their flight back to Paris, which was in a day.

Fayette wanted nothing more than to spend time with the boys. Jonah would text her every morning with a funny joke that he knew would help Fayette through the day. Zach and Corbyn would always send her videos of all of them acting like idiots. Jack and Daniel would always check up on her and the two of them always facetimed her together. Fayette knew that these things would come to an end once she left.

Fayette laid in her bed, as if thinking about all these things that she would lose when she left would help her with leaving. The door opened and Eulalie's long hair peeked through, Faye didn't make the effort of acknowledging her presence.

"Chèrie," Eulalie said, her voice soft and sweet. Fayette didn't move her eyes from the ceiling. She didn't want Eulalie to see how low-spirited she was right now. Eulalie sighed and walked further into her room and took a seat on the bed beside Faye. She ran her hand over Fayette's soft, chocolate coloured hair and looked down at the girl whose eyes were blank, but held so much sorrow.

"I know you don't wanna leave, and I know you're upset that you didn't get to spend more time with the guys. I wish we got to spend more time just enjoying ourselves as well," Eulalie told her, moving her hand from Faye's head to her shoulder.

"I don't like feeling like this. What do I do, E?" Fayette asked, her voice cracking ever so slightly.

"I'll never be able to tell you what you want to hear," Eulalie said, "You should talk to Andre, he'll give you the best advice you can get."

Fayette nodded a little and Eulalie took this as confirmation that Faye understood what she had told her. Eulalie stood up and was about to leave the room when Fayette spoke up.

"Do you ever miss him?"

Eulalie stopped, her hand resting on the doorknob to Faye's temporary room. They never talked about "him". It was kind of just an unspoken vow.

"Yeah," Eulalie responded, not looking back at Fayette. A beat passed before Eulalie spoke up again, "Do you?"

"Everyday," Faye whispered. Eulalie nodded to herself and opened the door.

"I'm sorry he's not here to help you right now," Eulalie said, turning back around before fully leaving the room, "Text Andre."

Eulalie left, closing the door behind her. Faye sat up and scanned her eyes around the dark room for her phone. When she spotted the familiar rectangular shape, she reached her hand over and grabbed it. Eulalie was right, the best advice she could get right now was from her brother.


hey andy

sup faye


nm i just need your opinion on something

what is it?


im supposed to come back tomorrow but

i barely got to spend time just doing my own thing.

 but i don't wanna leave you guys

do you wanna know what i would do?


yes, that's why im telling you this

i'd stay a little longer


you're sure everyone would be okay with that?

im sure


okay, i'll sleep on it

okay, luv ya aveline


luv ya too andy


the texts format in this chapter is wack af but i've given up

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