forty seven

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Jonah and Daniel were sitting in Jonah's room discussing their plan.

"So, we'l just randomly bring it up in a conversation?" Jonah asked for confirmation.

"Yeah, make sure you don't make it seem suspicious," Daniel said.

"Okay, so we're going do this at dinner?" Jonah wondered.

"Yup! Mission Jayette is a go!" Daniel cheered, only to be shushed by Jonah.


"Guys get ready, we're going to dinner," Daniel shouted. Not long after, all five boys were heading out.

"Where are we eating?" Zach asked as they drove.

"Chipotle," Jonah answered. The guys got to the restaurant, ordered, and sat down with their food. Jonah and Daniel exchanged a knowing look before Jonah began talking a little louder than him and Daniel were before.

"He's seems pretty cool," Jonah said. The other boys looked over to him with confused looks.

"Who is?" Corbyn asked.

"Just this guy Faye told us about," Daniel shrugged.

"What guy?" Jack asked.

"Oh, did she not tell you?" Jonah wondered.

"No..." Jack said, his voice low.

"Apparently she met this guy at a shop, he sounds pretty chill. From what she told us, they'd be pretty cute together," Daniel told the other boys. Jonah nodded in agreement.

"When did she tell you about this?" Jack asked.

"A couple days ago. She sounded pretty happy," Jonah said. Jack just looked down in disappointment.

"I lost my chance," He thought to himself. He was beating himself up inside for not doing what Daniel said and just admitting the truth.

"You okay, Jack?" Corbyn asked.

Jack looked up and faked a smile, "Yeah, just thinking."

Jonah and Daniel looked at each other, smiling. They knew it was cruel to play with Jack's emotions, but they knew that he wouldn't give in any other way.

"I heard they're not dating or anything yet, so maybe they'll just have a fling for a little and then break things off, or maybe they won't do anything at all. I have a feeling that they're gonna get together, though. So, any guy that likes her should shoot their shot before it's too late," Jonah told Daniel, hoping Jack was still listening to their conversation.

After dinner, the guys went back to home and spent the rest of their night playing video games, except Jack. He went to his room and laid on his bed, thinking about where everything went wrong. He though back to what Jonah said, "So, any guy that likes her should shoot their shot before it's too late."

"Should I shoot my shot?" Jack thought, "No, you had your chance and you didn't take it. Now you have to live with it. Let Faye find love, you'll find it soon, too."

In an attempt to distract himself from the overwhelming feeling of failure, he went on Instagram. He scrolled for a bit, liking the pictures that showed up on his feed and commenting under a few as well. He had scrolled so far that he was back to pictures he had already liked from the other day. He scrolled back to the top and refreshed his feed. The first picture to show up was of Fayette, of course it was.

Just looking at the girl made Jack's heart ache. But, after looking at the post for another moment, Jack knew what he needed to do.


Liked by @imzachherron, @seaveydaniel and 198,436 others

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Liked by @imzachherron, @seaveydaniel and 198,436 others

xofayette: Thank you all for the immense support on Lowlife! If you were wondering which song Jack co-wrote, it's Lowlife. I may or may not have named the EP after the song for that reason... ANYWAYS, thank you for all the streams and love, I've seen your guys' posts about it and I feel so loved. I hope you all have a great day or night, and I send out all the yellow hearts in the world to you! 💛

user1: luv you! 💛

↳xofayette: i luv you too! 💛

user2: all the haters are punching the air right now

imzachherron: i love you more than words can describe

↳xofayette: ily 🥺

user3: she's not that good, i don't understand the hype

↳user4: ding dong your opinion is wrong

seaveydaniel: i luv u more than apple juice

↳xofayette: wow, you really love me

↳user5: wow, i never thought daniel would love something/one more than APPLE JUICE 🍎

jonahmarais: 1) my bestie is beautiful 2) my bestie is talented af 3) i love you, bambi

↳xofayette: ur gonna make my heart explode. i love you too, thumper

corbynbesson: you, miss fayette, are amazing

↳xofayette: no u

user6: did y'all see jonah's comment? he called her bambi and she called him thumper, from the movie... i love them with my whole heart

jackaverymusic: why are you so perfect?

↳xofayette: im not so perfect

↳jackaverymusic: did you really just? wow-

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