sixty seven

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Jack woke up the next day, Fayette snuggled into his side. He smiled down at the girl, thankful that he could call her his again. He checked his phone, seeing a plethora of unread text messages and missed calls. Jack opened the messages, responding to the boys' questions about how everything went.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Jack lifted Faye's arm off of his chest and got out of bed. He grabbed some clothes, and a towel from Fayette's closet and went to shower.

The light sounds of running water woke Fayette up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, pulling the sheets further up her bare chest. She noticed Jack wasn't beside her and assumed that he had gone to take a shower. She got out of her bed and went to find some clothes for the day. Since Jack wasn't going to be in Paris for a long time, she wanted to do as much around the city as she could before he had to return home. And that included him meeting her family.

Fayette got ready and waited for Jack to finish as well. He exited her room, his hair still damp, a couple minutes later.

"I forgot to tell you how cute you look with bangs," Jack complimented.

"Why thank you, sir. I cut them myself while I was having a mental breakdown," Fayette replied. Jack laughed before coming to a realization.

"Is that why there were scissor in your bathroom wall?"

Faye nodded and Jack laughed at her, "Wow, remind me to never make you mad."

"Hey! I wouldn't throw scissors at you!" Fayette defended, "I'd probably throw something way sharper."

"Hey!" Jack shouted, causing the girl to laugh, "Where did you say we were going?" He asked, grabbing his phone off of Fayette's table.

"Lunch, then to my parents' house," Faye answered, grabbing her bag.

"Parents?" Jack exclaimed, "Shit, how do I look? Are they cool with tattoos and piercings? Holy shit your brother is gonna murder me."

"You'll be fine, curly fries. My dad has been practically begging my to get a boyfriend, and my mom has already made it clear to Andre that he can not kill you," Fayette told her panicked boyfriend.

"Okay, and I'll get to meet Izzy in person. This is a good thing," Jack said, mostly to himself.

"That's the spirit, milksop," Fayette said, patting his shoulder and walking towards the door. Jack seemed very confused by the name.

"What the hell does that mean," He asked.

"Google it, George Washington," Faye replied, leaving the apartment. Jack pulled out his phone and Googled the meaning in Urban Dictionary, walking out of the apartment as well.

"Hey!" He shouted once he had read the meaning. Fayette laughed and ran down the stairs to the lobby.

"Fuck you! I'm manly!" Jack defended when he got to the lobby as well. He put his arms up like a kid trying to show off his muscles.

"Keep telling yourself that," Fayette said, patting his chest and walking out the door of the apartment building. Jack followed her out and held her hand, interlocking their fingers. Faye looked down at their hands, seeing as they had never really shown affection in public before.

"So I don't get lost," Jack whispered to her, noticing that she looked hesitant. Fayette smiled at what he told her and gripped his hand tighter. They made it to the small diner a little bit after. Jack went to open the door, attempting to pull it open, but the door didn't budge.

"Jack, honey, it's a push door," Faye told him, pulling his arm away and opening the door for him.

"Oh," Jack said. Fayette shook her head in a joking matter before pulling him into the diner. The two waited at the front desk until someone came back to show them to their seat.

"Aveline?" The waitress asked as she stepped us to the desk.

"Monroe?" Fayette questioned, not sure if this was the person she thought it was.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you!" Monroe exclaimed. She moved from the desk to hug Faye, who returned the hug, swaying them back and forth.

"When did you move?" Fayette asked when they pulled away.

"About four months ago," Monroe answered, "I thought you would have moved to LA by now, I heard you EP and it's so freaking good!"

"Thanks, Roe. That means a lot coming from you," Fayette told her, tearing up a little since she hadn't seen Monroe in so long.

"You didn't say that to me when I talked about your EP," Jack complained.

"That's 'cause you worked on it, you wouldn't criticize something you contributed to," Faye said, "Oh, Monroe, this is my boyfriend, Jack."

"Nice to meet you," Monroe said, shaking Jack's hand, "I'll get you guys some menus and show you to your seat."

Monroe showed the two to their seat before leaving to tend to some other customers.

"How do you two know each other?" Jack asked when they sat down.

"She was one of my best friend's back in Nice, but I haven't seen her since I moved to Paris," Faye answered.

"It sucks not being able to see one of your best friends for that long," Jack frowned.

"Yeah, but look on the bright side, we found each other again," Fayette said. Jack looked up from the menu in front of him and smiled at the the girl in front of him. Fayette could practically feel his eyes on her, so she looked up as well, "What is it?"

"You are too pure for this world," Jack told her. Fayette rolled her eyes at his statement. "I'm serious! You may be the scariest thing in the world at points, like the scissors in the wall, but you can also be the most wholesome being in the universe."

"And you can be the corniest being in the universe," Faye said, returning her attention back to the menu.

"I know," Jack said, taking her hand and placing a soft kiss upon it.

"Okay, now stop and figure out what you want," Fayette giggled.

↠ ☾ ↞

"There's my number," Monroe said, handing Fayette's phone back to her, "Be sure to text me later."

"Of course. I'll see you later, Roe," Fayette replied, giving Monroe a quick hug.

"Bye guys. It was nice meeting you, Jack," Monroe said, waving to the pair as they left. They waved back before beginning their walk to Faye's old home.


This took forever, sorry. Also, Monroe's last name is Sui (pronounced "Sway"). Her face claim will be Trin Lovell. <3

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