fifty one

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There was still a few hours until Faye and Jack's "date". Fayette was sitting in her room talking with Eulalie and Cat about God knows what, when her phone went off. Faye looked at who was calling. Her eyes went wide and she scrambled off the bed, her eyes not leaving her phone.

"He's calling! Wait-holy shit this is actually happening!" Fayette shouted, her breathing becoming quite heavy.

"Hey, calm down!" Cat soothed, "We're gonna go once you answer, just don't have a panic attack while we're gone."

Faye nodded and sat down near her window. She propped up her phone and pressed the accept button. Jack's face appeared and Fayette's friends left.

"Wow you answered, okay I wasn't expecting to be this nervous. What the hell is going on?" Jack rambled out, his phone also propped up. Although, his view seemed to be much larger, so Fayette assumed he was using a laptop instead. He seemed to be outside, maybe in his backyard.

"I'm super nervous right now too, so just know you aren't alone," Faye chuckled. Jack smiled at the girl before looking to see what was behind her.

"That's a nice view," He said, looking a little less anxious.

"It is," Fayette agreed, looking behind her. Wordlessly, she picked up her phone and walked onto her balcony. She sat down in a chair and placed her phone on the side across from her on the other end of the balcony.

"There, now we can both enjoy the view," Faye said. Jack grinned at her, looking down. Fayette tugged at the rips in her jeans, then Jack popped his head back up.

"Did I ever tell you about that time I cracked my head open on the side of my bed?" Jack asked, smiling like an idiot despite talking about hurting himself.

"No..." Faye replied.

"Wanna hear it?" Jack wondered. Fayette nodded and Jack began to tell the story. Faye was listening to him, but every now and then, Jack would look at something off screen and unintentionally reveal his jawline. Fayette couldn't help but admire the boy. Something about him made her feel so weird, in a good way.

You always hear stories about how people feel so comfortable with the people they love or like. How, their significant other is the only person they feel like they can act like themselves around. But, as Fayette watched the boy on her screen, she couldn't help but feel anything but that. She really liked Jack, but she felt so self-conscious and nervous around him. Hearing his voice made her filled with anxiety, but so did the thought of him not being in her life. Faye found herself looking down at her outfit multiple times throughout the date, second guessing what she looked like.

Jack had finished his story, and the two were now laughing at the scenario. The laughter died down and Jack spoke up again, "Any childhood stories you feel like sharing?"

Fayette thought for a moment before replying, "There was this one time I broke my nose in art class."

"How'd you break your nose in art class?" Jack said, chuckling a little.

"This girl, Vivian, really hated me in middle school. I'm not sure why exactly, but she hated everyone. She just hated me a little more than the rest. So anyways, we were in art class and I had walked to the front to get some paints. Before I turned back around, she put a paint brush on the ground. As I was walking back, I slipped on the paint brush and went face first into the ground. I hit my face on a chair leg and broke my nose," Fayette explained. By the end of the story, Jack's mouth was slightly ajar, but eventually he just scoffed.

"That bitch," He laughed out. Fayette laughed at his response. But, in the distance, Faye could her a whirlwind of commotion.

"What's going on over there?" Fayette wondered, seeing as the noise was coming from Jack's place.

𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀,   jack averyWhere stories live. Discover now