thirty two

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Fayette had so much energy right now, it was almost concerning. After her little musical outburst last night, she was more than ready for this meeting. With her notes in her hand, she walked through the building door and made her way to the designated location of the meeting. She took a deep breath before entering the room.

"Faye! Welcome, have a seat," Fayette's producer, Caleb, exclaimed as she walked in. She took a seat at the far end of the table, other people seated around the side, and Caleb at the other end.

"So, I just wanted to let you know that I actually got a lot of work done last night. I've got all the lyrics for every song done. And the melodies too!" Fayette informed them.

"Really?" Caleb asked. Fayette nodded in response. "This is great! Now we can just focus on marketing and then you and Vanessa can work on the beats and whatnot! Can I see the lyrics?"

"Of course, here," Fayette responded. She slid her notebook down the table. It stopped in front of Caleb and he picked it up, looking at the pages in detail.

"These are great, we can do a lot with this. All the lyrics are so versatile, I bet they'd sound great in acoustic as well! You truly have a talent, Fayette. You said that one of these songs were written with the help of someone else, correct?" Caleb said.

"Uh yeah, Jack Avery of Why Don't We was a co-writer for 'Lowlife'." Fayette explained.

"Gotcha. Kevin write that down, please," Caleb instructed. Caleb always gave credit where it was due. He was a good man, "Now, let's focus on promoting. We need good marketing ideas if we want this EP to sell. Any proposals?"

One of the marketing professionals raised their hand and spoke up, "I think hinting to Fayette's followers about something would be a good way to build suspicion. Once she's allowed to reveal what's going on, her followers will be sure to listen to it."

"Okay, so Fayette, you could start hinting at stuff and then in two to three weeks, you can reveal it," Caleb told her. Fayette nodded in response.

"We could always buy ads on radio stations, they'll promote it," Another person suggested. The ideas went on for a while until they had settled on ways to promote the EP.

"I'll let you and Vanessa get to work in the studio. You might even be able to record today. Call me down there if you do get to record," Caleb said before Fayette most others left the meeting. Her and Vanessa walked down to the studio and began working. After hours of great ideas and laughter to lighten the mood, they were done. They were going to record in about two days. Fayette was ready to tell everybody, but she couldn't. She could tell her best friends though.


                                                           Main Bitches GC

Fayzie 💛

guess who just finished all her songs and is ready to record?

E 🌼

no fucking way

Kitty Cat 😺


Fayzie 💛

hell yeah i did!

Zaybae 💙

this calls for a celebration!

Harley Quinn 🤡

i say we get dinner

E 🌼

no you pussy

let's go clubbing!

Fayzie 💛

lets just do both

we'll get dinner then go home and get changed and go to a club

Kitty Cat 😺

im down

see yall in an hour at L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon

Zaybae 💙

see you guys then

Harley Quinn 🤡


E 🌼

dress nicely you barbarians!

Fayzie 💛

yeah yeah bye!



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Liked by @jackaverymusic, @seaveydaniel and 169, 420 others

xofayette: going out to celebrate some big things happening!  @eulaliealice @catmcclaire @quinn_turner @zay.babineaux

user1: what's happening? im so confused

↪xofayette: you'll know soon! ;)

user2: that dress is a little risky, props to you for having the confidence to where what you like

user3: runners with a silk dress?

↪xofayette: yes.

user4: 😍💖

jonahmarais: whatever is happening, i want in on it

↪xofayette: surprised you don't already know, but you will just have to wait

imzachherron: hehe i know whats happening 😁

↪xofayette: sshhhh! ppl can't know that i work for the fbi!

↪seaveydaniel: girl who you tryna fool? you're french, fbi is american. also why they hell does ZACH kNOw? i wanna knowwwwwww

↪jackaverymusic: dang that sucks for you

↪jonahmarais: you know too!? why does dumb and dumber know but not giraffe, bean, and i?

↪corbynbesson: i was gonna lie and say i knew too, but daniel just threw a spoon at zach for not saying what's happening and i don't wanna risk that happening to me.

↪xofayette: go argue with each other in private, children.

↪imzachherron: sorry mom

user5: i am very confused on the conversation the boys just had in this comment section...

user6: do the boys know her or something? when did all this happen?

↪user7: ikr! she's not even famous

↪user6: i never said they shouldn't be friends with someone who isn't famous, im just genuinely confused on the situation

↪user7: whatever, i wouldn't be friends with her 

𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀,   jack averyWhere stories live. Discover now