sixty six

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Jack dragged himself out of his room and downstairs. He was well aware that he looked horrible, but he couldn't care less right now. The only person he wanted to impress had just exited his life, so there was no point in trying to look presentable.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Corbyn asked as Jack sat down on the couch.

"Don't wanna talk about it," Jack answered. Zach came down the stairs a few minutes later.

"Hey, I just went to talk with Faye, but she's not there. Where'd she'd go?"

Jack cringed at his words, not wanting to explain last night's ordeal.

"Yeah, she wasn't in you room earlier this morning either, Jack. I was supposed to take her to this new book shop downtown," Jonah added. As if Daniel was the only one in the house with a functioning brain, he put the pieces together.

"No," He breathed out, earning confused glancing from everyone except Jack.

"What is it?" Corbyn asked.

"You broke up with Faye, didn't you?" Daniel asked, ignoring Corbyn and targeting his words towards Jack.

"Correction, she broke up with me," Jack replied.

"Why?" Zach asked, the only one who was able to put together a sentence at the moment.

"I don't know, it was so random. We were watching a movie and at the end she just said that she was going back to Paris and that we shouldn't continue dating," Jack answered.

"There's gotta be more to it than that," Jonah muttered, confused as hell.

"If there is, she didn't tell me," Jack sighed.

"Wait, you're just gonna let her leave?" Daniel asked.

"She broke up with me, Daniel. What else am I supposed to do?" Jack asked.

"Go get her back, dumbass!" Daniel exclaimed.

"She's probably already on a plane back home, what do you expect me to do?" Jack wondered.

"Get on a plane as well," He said, as if it were the most obvious thing.

"Really?" Jack asked, "What if I get there and she doesn't take me back and I end up spending hundreds of dollars on a plane ticket?"

"That's a risk you have to be willing to take. Now go!" Jonah yelled. Jack put his hands up in mock surrender, but went to his room to pack and get a flight nonetheless.

He got the earliest flight he could, and in a couple hours, he'd be on his way to Paris.

↠ ☾ ↞

Jack was a few minutes away from landing, so he texted Eulalie to find out Fayette's address.


What's Faye's address?




No time to explain


Fine, its 42 Champs-Elysées apt. 7


Thank you!


Jack, be careful,
I don't know what you're doing, but don't mess it up


𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀,   jack averyWhere stories live. Discover now