Caesar x Reader

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You were walking the streets of Italy when you first encountered him. He was tall, with light blonde hair, sparkling green eyes, and had unique purple triangles under his eyes. You couldn't take your eyes off of him.

As you were walking, a group of men approached you. They were huge compared to your small frame. You could tell by the looks of them that they were going to get whatever they could from you. "What is a beautiful lady like yourself doing on the streets alone?" one of them questioned.

You turned and attempted to walk away from them when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"We weren't done talking," the burly man said.

"I am on my way home from work," you replied, trying to break free from the man's grip. "Now I'd like to get home-"

"Oh no. You're coming with us," the man said, pulling you towards him.

"Hey! Leave the lady alone," you heard someone say. You couldn't see who it was because the men had surrounded you.

"What should we do, Boss?" one of the other men asked.

The one holding you must have been the 'Boss' since he said, "We are not stopping for anyone. We need to get today's prize home."

"Can you not hear me?" you heard the voice again, this time it was much closer. "Let the lady go."

The Boss turned around, pulling you with him, leading you to see the man that caught your eye earlier. The man was approaching you and you saw a strange light dancing around his hands.

"What are you gonna do if we don't let her go," the Boss asked.

"I will use my Hamon Bubble Launcher to blow you all away," the man stated, pulling bubbles out of no where.

The bubbles flew and hit all of the men, but avoiding you. Once the man was finished, he walked over to you, concern written all over his face. He looked to be someone that you could trust.

"Are you alright?" He asked. "Someone as beautiful as you should never have to worry about guys like them."

"I'm fine, thanks to you," you replied. "What was that thing you just did?"

"That's good to hear. That was Hamon. It is kind of hard to explain. My name is Caesar Zeppeli. Would you like me to walk you to your house?" Caesar asked.

"I don't really have a place to live. I find a comfortable street corner and stay there," you answered, seeing the shock on Caesar's face. "By the way, my name is (Y/N)."

"You could come home with me. I might even be able to convince Lisa Lisa to let you stay," Caesar stated, grabbing your (S/C) hand.

"I don't want to intrude on you and your family-"

"You won't be. Besides, you might be able to learn to defend yourself."

You decided to go with Caesar. He told you all about how Lisa Lisa would enjoy teaching you Hamon, and told you about the new recruit that seemed to achieve everything with blind luck.

When you reached the island, you were shocked. The first thing you noticed was the tall tower that stood in the middle of the island. Caesar looked over at you and said, "I really hope that you enjoy it here, bella. Let's go."

You followed Caesar inside. He led you to his bedroom.

"Wait here," Caesar told you. "I'm going to let Lisa Lisa know that your here."

Caesar left the room. You had never seen a room this nice. You were used to street corners where the ground was uncomfortable and sometimes you would be cold. You looked at the bed, thinking about how nice it would be to sleep on one.

"Lisa Lisa wants to meet with you. I'll take you over there, bella."

Caesar was back sooner than you had expected. You followed him into a room where you saw a lady who had to be in her twenties.

"Are you (Y/N)?" the mysterious lady asked.

You nodded your head.

"I'm Lisa Lisa. I will be your Hamon coach. Caesar, go ahead and take (Y/N) to her room so she can get ready for dinner."

"Yes, coach. We will be ready," Caesar replied.

Caesar grabbed your had and guided you to your new room. It looked a lot like his.

"I am really excited about you staying here. Dinner will be in thirty minutes. I know this place is kind of confusing, so do you want me to come by on my way to dinner?" Caesar said.

"That would be nice. I'll be ready soon, if you'd like to come over sooner."

"Anything to make you happy, amore mio," Caesar said.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this story with Caesar. He is one of my favorites. Please let me know in the comments who you would like to see in upcoming stories.

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