Kakyoin x Reader

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This was requested by PelicaneLokpy. Hope you enjoy.



You were traveling through the hot desert when you met them. Every day, you had used your Stand, Space Oddity, to create a small dimensional space for you to crawl into. You could also create illusions within the space. Some you could even touch. Others could climb since it was open. Your Stand couldn't deal much damage to anything.

You had crawled into your small dimension to get out of the heat. You fell asleep, thinking that no one would be able to find you in the middle of the desert.

"What's this? Hm. There might be a decent toilet that I can use in there," a voice called.

How could someone find me out here? Only Stand users can see other Stands. Am I in danger? You thought.

A tall, buff man entered the small dimension. You stared up at him, scared of what would happen. He had silver hair that stood straight up, wearing a black shirt that had one shoulder strap.

"Ah! I, uh... I didn't know that there would be someone in here," the man said with a French accent.

You screamed and brought out Space Oddity, preparing to defend yourself.

"Are you a Stand user?" the Frenchman asked.

You weren't sure how to answer. You gave a slight nod.

"Hold on. I'll be right back, unless, you want to come with me," he said, offering you a hand.

You decided to follow the man, soon learning that his name was Jean Pierre Polnareff. He was traveling with other Stand users to take out an ancient vampire, DIO. You met up with the group very soon afterwards.

The shortest man caught your attention. He wore a green uniform and had cherry red hair. He saw you and Polnareff, and waved.

You sat down with the men, learning more about the mission that they were going on. You asked if you could join them.

"No, it's too dangerous," the old man, Joseph, said.

"I already told you that I have no one. My parents are dead, and I have no friends. It doesn't matter what happens to me," you said.

"(Y/N), we don't want a young lady, such as yourself to get hurt," Polnareff said.

"How old are you?" Kakyoin asked.

The way he said it gave you a comfort that you never heard before.

"I'm seventeen," you said, looking at the ground.

"Yare yare daze. Jiji, she's only as old as Kakyoin and I," Jotaro said, tugging at his hat.

"Oh my God," Joseph said softly, placing his hand over his face.

"You can join us," Avdol said reluctantly.

You had been traveling with the crusaders for a few days. You had decided that if you wanted Kakyoin to know about your feelings, you would have to tell him.

While everyone was asleep, you crawled over to Kakyoin. You gently placed your hand in his shoulder and very carefully shook him.

He woke up, seeming a little startled. He opened his mouth to say something, but you quickly put your finger to your lips.

You had Space Oddity create a dimension for you and Kakyoin to slip into. Once you were inside, you jumped straight to your reason for waking Kakyoin.

"Kakyoin, I wanted to tell you this before we fought DIO. I... I love you. I have never had anyone treat me in such a kind way, and I really appreciate that," you said.

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