Joseph Joestar x Reader

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This was requested by leviathanPretzel.

This is Stardust Crusaders Joseph.


"Wake up, (Y/N)," a voice called out to you.

You sat up and found your friend Kakyoin standing next to your bed.

"Good morning," you said sleepily.

"We need to wake up and start moving towards Cairo," Avdol said.

You sat down at the nearby table and ate some scrambled eggs. Once you finished, you walked outside. You were sitting down on a bench by the entrance of the building, relaxing after the restless journey you've been on. You laid your head back, closing your eyes when someone placed their hands on your shoulders.

"Careful, (Y/N). There are Stand users everywhere. Don't let your guard down, or make sure that one of us is with you," Joseph said.

You sat straight up, snapping out of your calmed state.

"You scared me," you said, turning around.

"Sorry," Joseph said, sitting down next to you. He wrapped an arm around you and you laid your head back on his arm.

"How far are we going to travel today?" you asked after a long silence.

"I'm not sure. We might get stuck against a few Stand users, making the distance traveled shorter. If we don't run into any issues, we could go pretty far," Joseph replied.

You put you elbows on your knees and propped your head up with your hands.

"I guess we should get going then, huh?" you asked.

"The sooner the better," Joseph replied.

"I'll go get my stuff," you said, getting up.

You ran back to your hotel room, and grabbed your backpack. You threw your bag over your shoulder and walked into the hallway. As you were walking by Polnareff's room, the door opened and the Frenchman walked right into you. You fell to the floor, curling up into a ball to prevent getting stepped on.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," Polnareff said.

"I know I'm a midget next to all of you guys, and you probably don't see me because of that," you said, slightly upset.

"Sorry, (Y/N)," Polnareff said again.

"Are you going outside?" Jotaro asked.

You turned around, seeing the high schooler closing his hotel room door. You nodded your head and walked with the guys outside. You met with Joseph and Avdol. You were just about ready to hit the road when you realized something.

"Guys, where's Kakyoin?" you asked.

"I'm not sure," Jotaro said.

"We'll go look for him. Jotaro, you keep (Y/N) safe," Avdol said.

"No, I'll watch them," Joseph said. "Jotaro would know more about where Kakyoin is than the rest of us."

Joseph grabbed you hand and walked you to a deserted building.

"Why are we here?" you asked.

"We're more likely to catch a Stand user if they come to attack us here. When there are more people, they're harder to spot," Joseph replied.

You nodded your head. You sat down in an empty corner. You stayed alert, in case there was any danger. After a half an hour of staying in the building, you started to relax. You sat against the wall, stretching your legs out. You crossed your arms in front of your chest, letting out a sigh.

"Jeez, how long does it take to find Kakyoin?" you said to yourself.

Joseph was looking through all of the things scattered around the room. He picked up a book and started looking through the pages.

You stood up and leaned against the wall, one foot flat on the wall. You were tired of sitting and bored from doing nothing. You were about to walk over to Joseph when you felt the wall give way underneath you.

As you were falling, you were preparing for an impact on the ground. You fell into a pair of arms. When you looked to see who caught you, you saw a man you didn't know. You went to stand up, but he didn't let you go.

"You're coming with me," the mysterious man said, covering your mouth.

You tried to scream, but no one could hear you.

"Are you okay? I heard something over here," Joseph said, walking over to where you had been sitting.

The man pulled you around a nearby corner, keeping you out of Joseph's view.

"(Y/N)," Joseph called, concern in his voice.

After calling your name a few times and hearing no response, Joseph let out a soft "Oh no".

A piece of duct tape was put on your mouth and you were lifted by an unknown force. You knew it was a Stand. You had been told all about them. You didn't have one of your own, so you couldn't see others.

The man left you on the floor and walked out of the room. You heard a commotion, but couldn't leave to see what was happening. The noise had stopped after a few seconds and Joseph came running around the corner.

He freed you from the duct tape that was binding you together. He then embraced you in a big hug.

"I thought I lost you there," Joseph said.

"Well, I'm safe now that you're here," you said.

You walked outside into the street, running into the rest of the dudes.

"I see you've found Kakyoin," you said. "Where were you at?"

"I was at the arcade. I wanted to play some F-Mega before we left," Kakyoin said.

"Oh my God," Joseph facepalmed.

"We'll, at least we're all safe," Avdol said. "Let's go."

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