Von Stroheim x Reader

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This was requested by MartinBolseiro..


"I haven't seen you in a while, what's been going on?" you asked.

"Everyday, I can see just how great German science is," Stroheim replied.

"So what happened?"

"Well, we found a man that was made out of rock and he became humanlike. We had the Speedwagon Foundation founder with us and he was terrified the whole time. Then, some young Brit came in and was playing with Santana. It was crazy. I had my leg chopped off, and they replaced it now. It's incredible how our technology works," Stroheim said.

"Is this rock man one of the pillar men that you've been talking about?" you asked.

"Yes," Stroheim said. "He is very smart. He started talking to us after just learning our language."

"Is it some kind of ancient technology?" You asked.

"I'm not sure if it was an actual living being or if it was some piece of technology," Stroheim said.

"I'm happy that you're back home, safely," you said.

"I'm going to go find the rest of those pillar men. I found out that there's 3 more of them. I want to learn all I can about their kind," he said.

"Before you go, would you like some food?" You asked.

"I'm not leaving anytime soon," Stroheim said. "but during the day, I'll have to go to have my leg checked on."

"That's okay with me," you said.

After a week, Stroheim left to see the other pillar men. When he came back, he had more gadgets replacing his lost limbs.

You talked about how he teamed up with the British boy and helped him take down the Pillar men. He had met an Italian boy that unfortunately didn't make it.

The different pillar men had different things that could do. One controlled the wind, one controlled fire, and the last one became the mighty being.

"So you're telling me that they now have flying cars, and they can go to space?" you asked.

"No, his name is Kars and he could fly. The British boy sent him into space so that we could be safe," Stroheim explained.

"Oh, that makes more sense," you said.

"Sadly, the British boy didn't make it out of the battle. They are gonna have his funeral in America. I wish I could go, but I need to go to work," he said.

The next few years were mostly peaceful. You hated seeing Stroheim leave for the wars. He would always come back more machine than man. He was still the same man you knew before he was mostly technology.

"I'll be waiting until you get back. I'll make sure that your favorite dinner is ready when you get home. Be sure to send a telegram when your returning," you would say every time he left.

"Don't worry, I'll be home before you know it. With what we have, the battle will be won easily," Stroheim would say.

"I'll miss you," you would say.

"I'm gonna miss you too," Stroheim would say as he closed the door.

You would carry on every day, thinking about when Stroheim would come home. He loved his job. He got to be around his beloved German technology.

After a few weeks, he came home and sat on the floor.

"How did this trip go?" you asked.

"It was about the same as always. The enemy underestimated us. They're sending me to Stalingrad next week. Just like all these other times, I'll be home soon. Those fools don't stand a chance against us," he said.

"It always feels like forever when you go," you said.

"I promise this time won't be as long," Stroheim said.

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