Holly Kujo x Male Reader

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This was requested by Noire_noe.

Jotaro is a young child and Holly is your wife.

"Hey, babe. It's time to wake up," you said, gently shaking Holly's shoulder.

"Okay, sweetie," she said, getting out of bed.

She walked to the bathroom and started her morning routine. Once she finished using the bathroom, she went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

"Honey, could you wake Jotaro?" she asked.

"Sure thing," you said.

You walked to your young son's room and knocked on his door. You listened for him moving around, but heard him sleeping instead. You walked in and put your hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, JoJo, it's time to wake up," you said using his nickname.

Jotaro opened his eyes and sat up. He yawned and looked at you.

"Good morning, Dad," he said.

"Good morning, JoJo," you responded. "Mom will have breakfast ready by the time your finished getting ready for school."

"Okay," Jotaro said. He stood up and left the room.

You went to the living room and looked at the stack of paperwork you had to take with you to work. You started reaching for it when Holly quickly said, "(Y/N), it's Saturday."

"Oh crap, I told Jotaro to get ready for school," you said as you left to find your son.

"JoJo, you don't have to wear your uniform today. It's Saturday, you can wear your normal clothes," you said.

"But I thought you said it was a school day," he said.

"I'm sorry. I forgot what day it was. Today is the day we've been looking forward to. We're going to visit an aquarium nearby," you said.

"Cool!" Jotaro cheered and ran to his room to change.

You walked back to the kitchen and saw three plates with omelettes on them.

"Mom and Dad should be arriving at the airport in a couple of hours," Holly said. "I hope that JoJo will be excited to see them."

"I think he will be," you said, wrapping your arm around Holly's shoulder. You pulled her closer to you and gave her a small peck in her forehead.

Holly walked to the living room. You heard footsteps approaching you, so you turned around.

"Daddy?" Jotaro asked.

"Uh... yeah," you said.

"When can we go to the aquarium?" he asked.

"We will get there as soon as everything's ready. Before we leave, we need to eat some breakfast," you said, picking up Jotaro.

You carried him on your shoulders until you got into the kitchen. You sat down at you table and ate the omelettes. Once you were done, the three of you jumped in your car and drove to the airport.

"What are we doing here?" Jotaro asked.

"We had to pick up someone before we left," Holly explained.

You all sat and waited for your in-laws to arrive.

Once Joseph walked through the crowd with Suzie Q, Jotaro went running towards them.

"Grandma, Grandpa!" he said as he tackled them with hugs.

You and Holly walked over to meet them.

"Oh my God, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you," Joseph said to Jotaro.

"I brought you a little something," Suzie Q said, pulling a small knitted dolphin plushie out of her bag. "I heard that you like the ocean, so I made this for you."

"Thank you!" Jotaro said.

"How are you doing, son?" Joseph asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"I'm doing pretty good," you said.

"You're taking good care of Holly, right?" Joseph asked.

"Dad, don't do that to him. He's doing a wonderful job of taking care of us," Holly intervened.

"We've missed you guys," Suzie Q said.

"We've missed you too," Holly said, giving them hugs.

"Mommy, when can we go to the aquarium?" Jotaro asked.

"Once we get Grandma and Grandpa's luggage, we can go to the aquarium," Holly said.

You waited on the luggage to arrive, and quickly packed it in your car once you received it.

You drove to the aquarium. Joseph was telling Jotaro crazy stories about fighting Aztec gods in Italy.

"Woah," Jotaro said.

"We're here now," you said once you parked the car.

You walked inside paid for you to explore the underwater world.

"Is there anywhere you would like to go?" Holly asked.

"Can we please see the dolphins? They're my most favorite in the entire world!" Jotaro said.

The five of you walked to where the dolphins swam. Jotaro was mesmerized by them swimming around in the tank. He stuck his small hand in the water and pet one. He stared in awe at the elegant creature as he touched it.

"Hi Mr. Dolphin. I've always seen dolphins jump on TV, can you jump too?" Jotaro asked.

Joseph and Suzie Q were standing on each side of Jotaro. You and Holly stood back and admired the rest of your family having fun.

"I'm so glad that he's having fun," Holly said.

"I'm so glad that all of this has happened," you said. "I know that since Jotaro was born, we haven't been able to be by ourselves as much, but I'm glad that he's with us now."

You looked at your wife, and she looked back at you. You wrapped your arm around her shoulder and she laid her head on your chest.

"I love you," Holly said.

"I love you too," you whispered.

You enjoyed the moment and never let it go.

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