Jolyne x Reader

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This was requested by VibraniumNinjaStars. I hope this is what you were looking for.

There is violence in this.


I was sitting in my jail cell as usual. I was getting ready to take a quick nap when I saw her enter the prison. She was tall with light green and black hair. That was all I could see when she walked in.

I sat up. After seeing her, I was amazed. I had never seen anyone as unique as she was. I sat in my jail cell, waiting until dinner.


I sat at the table with my tray full of food. I looked around to find the girl that had entered earlier. She was standing over at the wall near the back of the line. She would never get any food from where she was at, so I grabbed my tray and walked over to her.

"Hey, I know that this is your first day here, and where you're at in line, you won't get any dinner. If you want, we can share mine," I said, holding my tray up a little.

Her eyes met mine. She had the most beautiful light green eyes. I found myself starting awkwardly at her, quickly shaking my head and regained my focus.

"I'll be fine," she said, turning back towards the line.

"If you ever need help with anything, you can always ask me. My name 's (Y/N)," I said as I walked back to my table.

I didn't eat all of my dinner in case the other girl changed her mind. I was started to get lost in my thoughts when one of the other prisoners spoke up.

"Why are you being so nice to her? She killed a man and was going to leave him. One of these days, you'll talk to the wrong person," one of them said.

"I was just trying to be nice. I was scared when I first got here," I said. "I just want to give everyone a bit of kindness in this cruel place."

"Listen, honey, this is prison. Not some kind of happy place. Most of us are killers, some robbers, and there are a very small amount of y'all innocent ones. Not everyone is like you," another one said.

I walked to my cell and laid down. I started to think back to the night of the crime that sent me here. I was 15 at the time, and I was locked up a few weeks later. I've been in prison ever since.

It was a cold November night and I was walking home after practice. I walked up to my house. It wasn't big, but it was a little larger than average. I walked down the driveway, climbing the stairs to the front door. I grabbed the door handle and found that it was locked. I thought my parents must have been at a meeting, so I grabbed my house key. Once I unlocked the door. I saw that the lights were off. My older sister usually kept all of the lights on whenever she was home alone. I walked to the kitchen to make a bowl of Ramen Noodles for my dinner. I looked at the knives to find that one was missing.

I heard a muffled scream, so I followed it to my parent's bedroom. A mysterious woman about my size was standing over my family's tied up bodies. She was holding the knife that was missing out of the kitchen. She wrapped both of her hands around it and started stabbing my father. I was frozen in fear as she was doing it. She kept stabbing my father as he was crying out for help. After some time, he stopped screaming. My mother was next although this time, it was different. She ran the knife along her skin, leaving slices on her arms, legs, and face. I quietly backed out of the room and grabbed a baseball bat out of my room. I walked back in the room and snuck up behind the lady, trying to bash her kneecaps with the bat. I missed, hitting the back of her thighs. She tuned around and grabbed the bat from me, throwing it to the side. She took the knife and turned on my direction.

"It's to late to save them, they're already dead," she said.

She swung the knife at me and I quickly moved out of the way just in time. I then found. A sudden rush of adrenaline, allowing me to wrestle the knife out of her gloved hands. Once the knife was in my hand, she disappeared.

There was no evidence that she had been in our house, leaving me to be put behind bars. I was moved here when I turned 18. I'm never leaving this place. My sentence is for life.

As I was thinking about it, I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes were starting to form tears. I buried my head in the pillow and started to quietly cry. I thought that I was alone in my misery when I felt a hand on my back.

"Are you okay?" someone asked.

I lifted my head and saw the same girl that entered the prison earlier that day.

"Yeah," I sniffled.

"I was told that I'd be sharing this cell with someone. I finally met who that someone was. My name's Jolyne, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier," she said.

Jolyne had a tone that showed no dark side to her. I asked her why she was sent here and she said that she had been framed for murder. I then told her about being framed for the death of my family.

"That's horrible," Jolyne said.

She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I felt safe in that hug, as if no one would ever harm me.

She then whispered in my ear, "I promise I'll get you out of here."

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