Mista x Reader

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This was requested by weeblifegood.


You knew that Mista was a part of a gang. He had been your best friend since you were kids. He would visit you often and eventually took you to an Italian restaurant.

"I have some friends I'd like you to meet," Mista said, as you walked through the door.

"Are they gangsters?" you asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"Are they the scary kind that you hear about, or are they like you?" you asked.

"If you didn't know that they were part of the mafia, you wouldn't know it," Mista said.

You sat down at a table. There were four people already seated. There was a plate of spaghetti where you sat.

"You must be (Y/N)," a man wearing white said. "Mista's told us a lot about you. I'm Bruno Bucciarati."

Everyone introduced themselves.

"So are you Mista's girlfriend?" Narancia asked.

You looked at Mista, confused.

"We're not together," you said.

"We can, if you want to be," Mista said.

Since that day, you and Mista would spend as much time together as possible. He would have to go on missions sometimes, leaving you waiting for his return.


Stay calm, (Y/N), you thought to yourself.

You knew that someone was following you. You would glance back, seeing a tall man a few feet behind you.

You had done everything that you could to make sure that he was truly following you. You made a loop around the block, and you walked in and out if random stores. The man followed your every step.

You ran through the crowded streets of Naples in attempt to put distance between you and the mysterious man. You turned your head, looking for your pursuer.

You ran into someone, falling down. You looked back at who you ran into. You didn't see anyone or anything. You were suddenly picked up off of the ground and brought towards your stalker.

You tried to scream, but something covered your mouth. You were handed to the man. He was tall, wearing a red shirt and blue jeans. His hair was a light brown, and he had the eyes of a murderer.

"The Boss needs to see you," he said.

The Boss? This guy isn't part of Passione, is he? you thought.

You had friends in Passione, but you had nothing to do with the gang. Your friends had gone on a mission, and had been gone for a couple of days.

You were placed in the back of a car. You were blindfolded and tied up. You rode silently to your destination. You were placed in a room, and the man left.

You lost track of time, guessing that you had been in there for a long time, possibly days. You were getting hungry, but that was not your biggest concern.

"(Y/N), is that right?" a deep voice asked.

You were still blindfolded, so you couldn't see the man. You nodded your head.

"You are very close to Bruno Bucciarati's group, aren't you?" he said, taking off your blindfold.

You saw a tall man wearing... fishnets? He had pink hair with little black dots, like a watermelon. His green eyes bore into your soul. You knew that you should answer his questions, if you wanted to leave unharmed.

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