Abbacchio x Reader

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"(Y/N), I'm home," Abbacchio said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"How was work today?" you asked, walking towards the living room.

Abbacchio was on the couch, chugging a bottle of wine. His yellow eyes were bloodshot and he looked horrible.

"Leone, are you okay?" you asked.

"He's gone... My partner is dead because of some stupid mistake I made," he burst into tears and turned away.

"Leone, I had no idea. I am so sorry. If there is anything I can do, just let me know," you said, giving him a hug.

Abbacchio buried his head in your neck and held onto you. You felt his tears run down your neck, and tried to comfort him.

"I took a bribe from a criminal. I didn't know that he would be back out on the street. We were called in for a murder, and the same criminal was there. I froze. I had no idea what to do. He pulled out a gun and... My partner jumped in front of me and caught the bullet," Abbacchio sobbed. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). This has nothing to do with you. I shouldn't drag you into this," he said, letting go.

"I love you, Leone, and you know that. I am here for you. If you ever have any problems, I am right here to listen," you said, tears forming in your eyes.

You both fell asleep on the couch and when you woke up, Abbacchio was gone. You searched for him day after day. You tried to figure out why he left, but you never found any answers.

You spent years searching for him. You longed to see his smiling face and his beautiful yellow eyes.

One day, you saw a group of young men walking down the road.

"Can we get some gelato?" a boy with dark hair and purple eyes asked.

"Bucciarati wants us to meet him for dinner soon," a guy with a holey green suit said.

A taller man with long white hair, wearing black was arguing with a blonde teenager wearing pink. Another guy with a hat was talking with the black haired boy and the guy with the green.

"I just wanted to help out, that's all," the boy wearing pink said.

"It wasn't a part of our orders to help them out!" the tall man said.

When you heard his voice, you stopped. That voice sounded just as it did years ago. You approached the man looking into his yellow eyes.

"L-Leone Abbacchio... is that you?" you asked.

"Who are you, and how do you know him?" the boy with the hat pointed a gun at you.

"She must be an enemy Stand user," the boy with dark hair said.

Abbacchio jumped in between you and the others. They looked at him quizzically.

"She is not a Stand user. This is (Y/N). Don't scare her like that," Abbacchio said, scooping you into a hug.

"Abbacchio, you never told us that you had girlfriend," the dark haired boy said.

"Narancia, leave them alone," the blonde in the green said.

"I looked for you everywhere. It broke my heart when you left," you said, feeling streams run down your face.

"I didn't want to drag you down with me. I couldn't help but blame myself, and I didn't want you to see me like that," he hugged you tighter.

"Leone, I am here for you, an I am willing to follow you anywhere," you said.

The sun was starting to set, so Abbacchio took you to meet the group that he worked with.

You soon learned that Bruno was the one who found everyone. He took care of them and treated them as though he was their mother. He reached out and offered you to work with them.

"If it means that I can be with Leone, then yes," you said.

Abbacchio helped you out after you successfully passed the test. (The lighter had gone out and you were pierced by an arrow, giving you the Stand, Styx)

You two stayed together the whole time. The rest of the gang teased Abbacchio for having feelings for someone. You didn't mind while it drove Abbacchio insane.

You were happy to have the man that you loved back in your life.

"I promise that I will never leave you again. I will always be here for you, my love," Abbacchio said, holding you in his arms.

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