Josuke x Reader

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"Oi, Josuke," Okuyasu called. "It's that pretty girl. Now's your chance."

"Okuyasu, quiet down. She'll hear you," Josuke said.

You couldn't help but overhear their conversation. To tell the truth, you thought Josuke was pretty cute, but you thought that he never liked you back.

Josuke approached you, smiling in a goofy way.

"Um... (Y/N)? I... I, uh, think you're pretty cool. No, I said that wrong. Uh, I like you. Like a lot. I under-" Josuke started.

"I like you, too," you said, throwing your arms around him.

"Really?" Josuke asked.

"Really," you replied.

"Josuke, you actually got her, man. You have got to tell me your secret to picking up a hot girl," Okuyasu said, earning some laughter from you.

"Would you like to go to dinner with me?" Josuke asked.

"I have to ask my Dad first," you said. "If he is alright with it, yes. I'll call you when I get an answer."

"I'll walk you home, if you want," Josuke said.

You nodded. It had been a long day at school, and you were excited about having someone to talk to. You were usually quiet and didn't have any friends. You felt happy that someone had noticed you and actually liked you.

When you got home, you told Josuke to wait outside.

"My Dad gets a little upset if I talk about boys. I have to ask him if I can go with my friends," you explained.

Josuke smiled and walked down the sidewalk a little.

"Hey, Dad. I'm home. I was wondering if I could go to dinner with my friends. Would you be alright with that?" you said walking through the door.

No reply came.

"Dad? Are you okay?"

You searched your house, finding your dad on the living room floor, unconscious. You looked over and saw a broken window and the room was a mess.

"Josuke! My Dad... He's not responding," you said, tears streaming down your face.

Josuke burst through the doors. He ran to your side.

"Stand back. I can help him. Crazy Diamond," he said.

What happened next was hard to explain. Your father didn't have a scratch on him and your house was suddenly back to normal.

"What happened?" you asked.

"I used Crazy Diamond to fix everything," Josuke smiled.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay? The man... He destroyed everything and I remember getting hit on the head and..." your father stopped, realizing the room was back to normal. "Maybe it was just a weird dream. It felt real, though."

"Dad. Something did happen here. I don't know where to start. I walked in and you were on the floor, injured and the house was a wreck. I have no idea how Josuke did it, but he fixed you and everything," you quickly said, not realizing that you mentioned Josuke.

"Who's Josuke?" your dad asked.

Uh oh. 'How am I going to hide this one,' you thought, turning to Josuke.

"Josuke is one of my friends," you said.

"Is your friend here?" your dad asked.

"Yes sir. You must be Mr. (L/N). It is very nice to meet you," Josuke said, shaking hands with your father.

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