Weather Report x Reader

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This was requested by VibraniumNinjaStars. I hope you enjoy.

(This is a picture of Weather Report that I drew)


(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting in my cell, crying over why happened. My sister was murdered. We were walking through the park when it happened. A knife floated through the air and stabbed her. I tried to grab the knife and pull it away, but whatever was using it was too strong. I didn't kill her, but others saw what happened and assumed that I stabbed her.

Now here I was, locked away from society, labeled as a criminal. I cried alone in my cell since I had no cell mate. I had sat here for two days, not caring about my health. I had nothing left.

I decided to move around the prison. It was my new home after all. I might as well check it out. As I was walking, there were some other prisoners who looked at me. They started laughing at me in my sad state.

"Why would you feel bad, everyone says that you mercilessly murdered your sister," one sneered.

I broke down at the mention of me doing it. I sank to the floor, crying.

A tall man stepped in between me and the others bothering me. He drove the other prisoners away and reached out his hand to help you stand up. I took his hand and he easily pulled me to my feet.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

I nodded my head with a sniffle. He still had a hold of my hand. He gently pulled me to a staircase and walked through a wall, pulling me after him.

There was a room with many book shelves and a piano. A little boy sat at the piano, stroking the keys.

"Weather Report, who is she?" the boy asked.

The man, Weather Report, as he was called, said nothing. Another man was in room, but I didn't see him at first. He had long pink hair and wore a funky shirt with footprints on it. He glared at me.

"Who are you?" the pink haired man said to me.

"I-I'm... My name is (Y/N)," I said.

The man was intimidating and he scared me. I was shaking and more tears filled my eyes.

"She is not a threat. She is not stable enough to be mixed in with everyone. I brought her here so she wouldn't be targeted," Weather Report said.

"Is she a Stand user?" the little boy asked.

"Let's find out," the pink hair man said. "Diver Down!"

He stood there and nothing happened. Something lifted me off of the ground. I screamed in fear.

"Do you see it?" the boy asked.

"I don't see anything. Please, I don't know what's going on. Are you some kind of magicians?" I said, panicking.

"Anasui, put her down," the boy said.

I sat down and curled up into a ball. I had no idea who these people were and they were crazy.

"Are you okay?" Weather asked.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Anasui said.

"I'm fine. I'm a little cold, though," I said, trembling.

All of a sudden, the room seemed to get a little warmer. Weather Report sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I warmed up quickly.

"If you want to, you can stay here until you're ready to go back out there," the boy said. "My name is Emporio."

"Thank you," I said.

"I do have one question for you. Based on your actions since I've met you, you don't have any criminal traits about you. Why are you here?" Anasui asked.

I told them about how my sister was murdered and how others saw me holding the knife. They looked at me and Emporio gave me a reassuring hug.

"I am so sorry. The justice system is messed up. How long are you supposed to be here?" Emporio asked.

"30 years," I said.

"That's terrible. It's a shame that someone so young has to spend so much time here," Emporio said.

"What are you here for?" I asked the boy.

"I was born here and I've been hiding here my whole life. I have Anasui and Weather Report to keep me company," he said. "And you too, if you want to hang out here."

I decided to stay with them. For Weather Report and Anasui commiting crimes, they didn't seem to be bad people.

Emporio and Anasui went to go and get lunch. I stayed behind, and so did Weather.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"35," I said.

He hummed. He held onto me and gave me the comfort that I needed. So much had happened and I had no one to help me. Now, I had Weather Report by my side.



Thank you for the request. This was so much fun to write.

If you have any questions or requests, just let me know in the comments.

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