Okuyasu Nijimura x Reader

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This is for KillerQueenDuck. Hope you enjoy!


You and Josuke were walking to school. It had been a few weeks since you started High School. You and Josuke had been friends for a little over a year, now.

"Oi, Josuke, wait for me!" a voice called out.

Josuke turned around. You saw a boy your age, running to catch up to you. He had two lines that ran across his face, and he had no irises. He looked a little scary at first.

"Okuyasu, what are you doing here?" Josuke asked.

"I'm going to be attending your school," Okuyasu said.

A few months had passed since you met Okuyasu. You became friends quickly. There was a school dance that was coming up, and you planned on going. There was a small problem: you had no one to go with. Josuke said that he was spending time with his dad and uncle, and Koichi was going with Yukako. You had no idea what Okuyasu was planning on doing. You thought about asking Rohan, but he was pretty popular among the students, so you didn't want to expose him.

The dance was this Friday. You decided that you would just show up and watch your friends have fun.

After school, you were walking to where your friends met up. When you joined the group, Josuke smiled at you and nudged Okuyasu with his elbow.

"Oi, (Y/N)? I was wondering if you wanted to... uh, y'know... There's this dance Friday, and um..." Okuyasu turned to Josuke. "I don't remember what I was gonna say," he said, face turning red.

"Okuyasu was wanting to know if you'd like to go to the dance with him on Friday," Josuke said.

Okuyasu faced you, giving an embarrassed smile.

"Of course! I would love to go with you, Okuyasu!" you said, giving him a hug.

Okuyasu returned the hug, and he had an even bigger smile on his face.

"Would you like to meet at Tonio's restaurant before we go to the dance?" you asked.

"Oh, yes," Okuyasu said.


Friday had finally came and you were standing in front of your mirror, looking at how your dress looked on you. Your doorbell rang, so you went and answered it.

"Ooh, you look beautiful, (Y/N)," Okuyasu said.

He was dressed in a black suit, with a bowtie. He handed you a red rose. You smiled, and placed your hand in his.

You walked to Tonio's. Tonio greeted you and led you to your seats. You were both given a glass of water. You sipped the cold drink, preparing yourself for the feeling of your eyes being refreshed. You didn't get much sleep the night before because you were so excited about spending the night with Okuyasu.

When you were finished eating, you felt great. Now, you could spend time having fun with Okuyasu.

When you walked inside the gym, there were dim lights and music playing. Okuyasu looked over at you and smiled.

"(Y/N), would you like to dance with me?" he asked.

You nodded, and you walked to the dance floor together. The music was a slow instrumental (the song above is what I had in mind). Okuyasu placed his hands on your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You swayed back and forth to the music.

"(Y/N), I've been meaning to tell you this for a while. I love you," Okuyasu said.

"I love you too," you said, giving him a hug.

You hugged each other for the rest of the song. When it was over, you went and sat down.

Koichi and Yukako joined you.

"Hi guys! I saw you on the dance floor. You looked so cute together," Yukako said.

"(Y/N), you look very nice in that dress," Koichi said.

"Thank you. You two look great, too," you said, blushing.

"Koichi, can I talk to you for a second?" Okuyasu asked.

"Yeah, sure," Koichi replied.

You and Yukako talked about the different things going on in Morioh. You were also trying to help find Yoshikage Kira, the man that had been murdering countless women. He had changed his identity, making it even harder to find him.

Okuyasu and Koichi came back. You sat together and talked about anything that came to mind. You shared lots of laughs. Every now and then, you'd go and dance.

Eventually, the dance was over. You and Okuyasu had talked about having a sleepover once the night was over. When you got to your house, you went straight to your room and changed.

You walked into the living room and found Okuyasu looking at your video games.

"Would you like to play a game?" you asked.

"Yeah, sure," Okuyasu answered.

"You can choose what we play," you said, walking into the kitchen to grab some drinks.

When you returned, Okuyasu had Oh, That's a Baseball! plugged in.

You played for hours. When you looked at the clock, it was 1:00 AM. You were extremely tired, and fell asleep while playing games. Your head landed on Okuyasu's shoulder. He turned off the TV and picked you up and moved you to the couch. He sat down and laid your head on his chest. He held you and soon drifted off to sleep.


Word Count: 883

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