Caesar Zeppeli x Reader

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This was requested by caeserzeppeliwife.


"(Y/N), you need to focus on your breathing," Lisa Lisa said.

"How am I supposed to if I can't catch my breath?" you asked.

You had just started your Hamon training. You had been forced to wear this mask that only allowed you to breathe if you controlled it, like when you used Hamon. You cursed under your breath when you would mess up. This was your first day of training, and it was a struggle to do everything right. You had seen Hamon users in the past, and every on of them made the art look simple.

Caesar stood off to the side during your training.

"So tell me, why does Caesar not have to wear this stupid mask?" you asked.

"Everyone here had to use this mask when they first arrived, including Caesar. Once you get your breathing under control, you'll be able to take the mask off," Lisa Lisa explained.

The way things are going, I'll never get this damn thing off, you thought to yourself.

Your training took hours to finish. You had gotten to the point that you couldn't continue. You fell to the ground, exhausted.

"Come on (L/N), get up," Lisa Lisa said.

You couldn't. You just laid there, trying to get up, but every muscle in your body was spent. You looked up at your coach saying, "Maybe you could spare some Hamon to help me out."

You heard a small chuckle come from Caesar.

"You're done for today," your coach said.

"I'll take care of her," Caesar said.

He picked up your tired body carefully, to ensure that you wouldn't get hurt. He carried you to your room. when he walked inside, he laid you on the bed.

"I know that it's been a long day, signorina," Caesar said. "Would you like me to leave you here, or would you like a hand with getting ready?"

"Caesar, I will do fine on my own, see?" you said, trying to sit up.

After a few minutes of struggling, you stopped.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Caesar asked.

"Okay, maybe I need a little help," you admitted. "I wouldn't be in this position if you wouldn't have talked me into coming here. You made it sound like fun, but it's impossible to complete anything here."

"It gets easier the more you practice," Caesar said, picking you up and taking you to the bath.

"I hate this place. Day one, and I can't even walk. Caesar, how? How is it that you could do this everyday?" you asked.

"I must tell you something, (Y/N)," Caesar said. "It is about when I was a young child. My father had left me and my siblings when we were young, and I had learned that I could use Hamon. I used my Hamon frequently, and not for the best things. My training seemed to be easier than what you're experiencing because of that. You've had the power of Hamon this whole time, it's just that you've never really used it."

"Well, I fell like I've been hit by a car," you said.

"You'll get better. I'll help you," Caesar said as he filled up the bathtub with water. "Now, do you want me to leave you, or do you want me to help you?"

"We both know that I can't do this myself, so go ahead and stay," you said.

Caesar carefully undressed you and set you in the warm tub. The bubbles surrounded you, filling your nose with a flowery scent. You closed your eyes and relaxed.

"Is it too hot?" Caesar asked.

"No, it's perfect," you responded.

Caesar grabbed a bottle of shampoo and washed your hair, massaging it while he was washing. He then put some conditioner in your hair. He grabbed a bar of soap and cleaned you. He was very gentle the whole time, and made sure to not make you uncomfortable.

Once the bath was done, Caesar dried you off. He then took you straight to your bed, tucking you under the warm blankets.

"Where do you keep your night wear?" Caesar asked.

"In the second drawer," you said.

Caesar brought over a soft T-shirt and a pair of fuzzy pants. he quickly put them on so that you could stay warm.

"Caesar, thank you for taking care of me," you said.

"Not a problem, mi cara," he said. "Now get some sleep so that you can be ready for tomorrow."

"But I don't wanna go back," you whined.

"I know, I don't want to either," he said. "Make sure that you rest, now. I'll check on you as I go to bed, (Y/N)."

"Okay," you sighed in defeat.

Caesar closed the door as he left, leaving you to you and your thoughts.

I'll never understand him. He's so sweet when it's just the two of us, but he's always pushy when there's others, you thought as you drifted off to sleep.'


Word Count: 900


I am sorry that this took a while. My internet at home has stopped working. I have to leave to get access to it. I am still taking requests, but it will take some time for me to receive them and write them.

So, I have a question for you guys: How old do you think I am? None of your answers will offend me, so give me any age you'd find reasonable.

Next story will be a Jolyne x F!Reader.

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