Speedwagon x Reader

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It was a cold day in Ogre Street. The chilling wind made you shiver. You didn't have much, so you took enough food for you to survive. You would always leave some object that had some value to pay with.

You were walking down the street when you heard shouts from some men.

"That's the girl who stole a loaf of bread from earlier this week."

'I had better run out of here,' you thought to yourself.

You turned and ran into a wall. When you turned your head, you realized that it was not a wall, but a man. You kept your head down low and tried to walk around him. He put his arm out, blocking your path.

You were scared. You had no idea what would happen next. You kept your head down to hide your tears.

"Why did you steal the bread?" the man asked. His voice was not angry, and it comforted you.

"I didn't have any food to eat," you voice wavered.

"I'll take care of them," the man said, walking behind you toward the men.

You ran around and the corner and watched. You finally had a good view of the man. He had long, wavy blonde hair and he was huge. He was tall and very well built. He wore a nice suit and a little hat.

You watched as the man talked to the men that pointed you out.

"This little lady had nothing to eat. What would you have done if you had nothing to eat?" the blonde asked.

The other men stared at him, pondering the question.

"Mr. Speedwagon, sir, we never thought about it like that. Come to think of it, there was a penny lying on the table," one man said. Both men were clearly afraid of this Mr. Speedwagon.

The tall blonde turned and walked toward you. You noticed a scar that ran across his left cheek. His brown eyes were filled with kindness.

"Do you have somewhere to stay?" He asked, furrowing his brow.

You stood in silence, looking up at the man in front of you. You shook your head and looked down, ashamed.

"I have an extra bedroom, if you would like to stay at my house. My name is Robert E. O. Speedwagon," he said, extending his hand.

You grabbed his hand, saying, "That would be wonderful, Mr. Speedwagon. My name is (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Just call me Speedwagon," he said.

His grip was firm, but not to much to hurt you. The temperature was dropping. You walked down a few alleys, trying to get to Speedwagon's house before it got to cold.

You came across a house that looked like it had seen better days. Speedwagon led you to the front door. He took out a key and unlocked the door, leading you inside.

"I know it isn't much, but this is home," Speedwagon said, running towards the fireplace to light the charred wood.

"This is better than where I have stayed the past year," you said, walking towards the now burning fire.

You sat down, feeling the warmth of the flames hit your cold skin. Speedwagon left the room, returning later with some warm soup. He also made some tea.

"Here, this is for you," he handed you a bowl filled with the warm soup.

He sat back and sipped his tea. You took a spoonful of soup and ate it, feeling the warm substance run down your throat. It had been over a year since you had something hot to eat. You hurried and finished the soup, enjoying every bit of it.

Once you finished, Speedwagon took your bowl and cleaned it. When he came back, he helped you up and led you to the spare bedroom.

"Thank you for letting me stay here," you said.

"I couldn't let someone stay outside when it's this cold," he said with a smile. "If you need anything, I'll be in the room across the hallway."

You took off your coat and sat in the bed. You crawled under the blankets, sinking into the mattress.

After a few hours, you started freezing. There was a slight draft in the room, causing you to shiver. You got out of the bed and out your coat back on. You walked out into the hallway and gently knocked on Speedwagon's door.

A sleepy Speedwagon greeted you, asking what you needed.

"I can't get warm in that room," you said. "There is a breeze, making me cold."

"I don't mean this in a perverted way, but you can sleep with me," Speedwagon said.

You took him up on his offer and climbed into the bed. His bed was small, causing you two to be right next to each other. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close to his warm body. You drifted off to sleep shortly after.

The next morning, you woke up to the smell of coked eggs. You walked into the living room and found a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon laying on the table.

"Good morning, (Y/N)," Speedwagon greeted. "There is some breakfast ready for you."

Speedwagon treated you kindly every day that you spent with him. You became close very fast. He took you everywhere with him. You met some great friends and helped him start the Speedwagon Foundation. You even helped Jonathan's grandson, Joseph save the world.

You were very happy that you had taken a loaf of bread all those years ago. You met the greatest man, and travelled the world with him.

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