Stardust Crusaders x Reader

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This was requested by PelicaneLokpy.

This is about of an alternate universe. Kakyoin is with them when Jotaro and Polnareff are smol.

This is more along the lines of a friendship between the reader and the crusaders.


"Man, only if I could somehow visit the Stardust Crusaders," you said before you fell asleep. "They are soooo cool, and seem as if they'd be interesting in real life."

You knew that it would have to take some kind of miracle to not only dive into the fictional world, but to also travel back in time. You had starting watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventures after you were listening to the song "Killer Queen" on YouTube. As you were looking through the comments, you found so many things on Stands, and jokes you didn't understand. Like any other person, you wanted answers to your questions, so you started watching JoJo. You enjoyed parts 1 & 2, but your most favorite was part 3.

You drifted off to sleep.


When you woke up, you stretched while yawning. You rolled over in bed, not wanting to start the day.

Eventually, someone is going to get me for school, you thought.

You laid in bed for what seemed like hours. You were about to go back to sleep when you heard a commotion outside.

You got up and went to check what was going on. You thought that your younger brothers had gotten into a fight again, but when you found where all the noise was coming from, you were shocked.

You saw them. The Stardust Crusaders. They were engaged in battle with an enemy Stand user. The user was no one that you had ever seen before. He was most likely someone that was using his Stand to do bad.

"Woah," you said. Everyone's attention turned to you.

"Jotaro, you and Kakyoin take the girl somewhere safe," Joseph said.

The boys did what they were told. They rushed over to you and carried you somewhere safe. They took you to a small road that had not been used for a while.

"I can't believe this is happening," you said, excitedly. "I with Noriaki Kakyoin and Jotaro Kujo!"

"How is it that you know our names?" Kakyoin asked.

"I, uh..." you tried to come up with an excuse. They wouldn't believe that you were from the future, let alone that you were from another world.

"I've heard your names before at school," you said.

"I don't recall seeing you at school," Jotaro said.

"I'm a year younger than you. I'm also very quiet when I'm at school," you said.

"Oh," Kakyoin said. "What are you doing out here in the middle of Egypt?"

"I could ask you the same," you said.

"You have a point. You would think that we're crazy if we told you why we're here," Kakyoin said.

"Crazy like, Jotaro's Great Great Grandfather's body is being used by a vampire to end the Joestar bloodline?" you asked, without thinking.

They looked defensive when you finished. You knew that you had revealed that you lied.

"You really think I'm one of DIO'S minions? God, if I were there, I think he'd keep me there for... other things," you said.

"How do you know all of this?" Jotaro asked.

"You're not gonna believe me when I tell you," you said. "I'm from the future, in 2020. Thank God I'm not there anymore. The world's starting to go insane over this dumb virus called "COVID19". That's not all, my school's forcing us to wear masks all the time, and I'm losing brain cells from it," you ranted.

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