Melone x Reader

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This was requested by melones_phat_shit.


"It's been a long day," you said, sitting down on your couch.

"Yeah," Melone said.

"It's a shame that Sorbet and Gelato are gone," you said.

"Those two were pretty great," Melone said.

You grabbed the nearest book and started to read. Melone went to the kitchen and grabbed a snack. When he got back, he sat down next to you, putting his arm around you.

"Y'know, I don't want anyone to hurt you because of what we're trying to do," Melone said. "I honestly don't know what I'd do without you."

"I feel the same way. If I found out that the boss sent someone to take care of you, I'd be lost. Not as in I wouldn't know what to do, but losing myself," you said, looking up from your book.

"As long as we stay together, I promise that nobody will get to you," Melone said.

"You're so sweet. I know that the other guys think that you're some perv, but you're wonderful away from everyone. They always ask me questions like, 'how could you be with Melone? He's so weird when it comes to women'," you said. "I think that you're wonderful to be with. You're nothing like what everyone thinks you're like."

"Many others think that I'm 'different'. I'm just like them, but with a few quirks," Melone said.

You laid your head on Melone's shoulder. He turned so that he could wrap his other arm around you.

"Promise me one thing," Melone said.

"What's that?" you asked.

"If something does happen, don't get yourself killed," he said.

"I promise," you said.

You both cuddled on the couch, thinking about the days that were ahead.

"You're precious to me," Melone said. "I swear that if the Boss sends anyone after us, they will never get to you."


Sorry that this was pretty short. Stay safe and have fun!!

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