Risotto Nero x Reader

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This is for a friend of mine who likes Risotto.



You were walking the streets of Italy when he found you. You were going home after a long day of work. He kept his distance, watching your every move. La Squadra wanted you. Your Stand, Foreigner, made it's victim forget everyone they had ever come across, including themselves.

You walked up to your front door, unlocking the deadbolt. The man slipped through the door without you noticing. You left your shoes by the door and put a plate of food in the microwave. You went and changed into your lounging clothes. The microwave beeped, signalling that it was done.

You grabbed your steaming food and walked to your couch. There was a man sitting in your spot, his back facing you.

"Can I help you?" you asked.

"You must be (Y/N) (L/N)," the man said.

You summoned your Stand, preparing to attack.

"I'd advise that you don't use Foreigner. My men are all waiting outside and they know that they are able to stop you however they can if I'm harmed," he said, standing up.

You called Foreigner back. The man towered over you. He raised his hand, giving some kind of signal. Eight men walked in through your front door. If you would've seen them on the street, you would avoid them at all costs.

"We could use your help. Our skills are great, but with your help, we will be stronger," the tall man said. "I'm Risotto Nero, the leader of this group."

The men took their time to introduce themselves. After meeting them, you felt a little more comfortable around them.

"What will happen if I don't want to join you?" you questioned.

"Miss, please make this easy on yourself. Just join us. You'll be in our team whether you want to or not," Melone said.

You decided to join them.

(Three year time skip...)

Your team knew that Bruno Bucciarati had the Boss's daughter. She was the key to finding the Boss's identity. Everyone had already journeyed out to get her, but they never came back.

"If you want a job done, you have to do it yourself," Risotto said.

"I can get her," you volunteered.

"It hurts me to know that everyone else on my team is dead. It would kill me if I got a report that you died," he explained.

Risotto and you had secretly been dating behind La Squadra's back. Risotto had strict rules about love, and he didn't want the squad knowing that he broke them.

When you first joined, you had a hard time leaving everything behind. You would sit in your room and cry a lot. The guys did the best they could to comfort you, but they were all too soft. Risotto was a little rougher and didn't treat you as if you were a piece of glass. His hugs were tighter, and that gave you the comfort you needed. You and Risotto became friends quickly, and you found yourself falling for him.

"I can't let you go alone, (Y/N)," Risotto said.

"Then what are you gonna do?" you asked.

"I want you to stay by my side, but I don't want you in danger," Risotto said, walking up to you.

Risotto wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him.

"We'll be leaving in the morning," he said. "If you're ever in danger, run away."

You nuzzled your head into his chest. He held you tightly. Risotto knew just how to make you feel as if nothing could hurt you.

Risotto walked to the couch and turned on the TV. You laid on his shoulder, watching a TV show about a young British gentleman who fought against a vampire, that was also his adopted brother. You fell asleep after a few hours.

Risotto scooped you up and carried you to your bedroom. He laid you down and covered you with your blankets. He crawled in next to you and fell asleep.


Word Count: 673

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