Kakyoin x Reader

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You had gone on the most incredible journey to Egypt. Kakyoin had invited you to join his family on their vacation. You had so much fun together. The only strange thing is that Kakyoin was acting different. He didn't smile as much as normal and he seemed tense all the time.

After the trip, you had to get ready for school to start again. Kakyoin would usually walk to your house, but since he wasn't there, you decided to go to his home. You looked around for so long that when you looked at your watch, you had 5 minutes before the first bell would ring.

You ran as fast as you could to get to class on time. You tripped on the sidewalk, causing your knees to break open. You ignored the pain and finished getting to school, barely making it on time.

When you walked into the classroom, you walked to the back and sat down. The teacher noticed your skinned knees and told you to go to the nurse's office.

When you entered the nurse's office, you found Kakyoin laying on the floor, unconscious.

"Kakyoin!" you screamed, walking over to him.

Another student looked like he had gotten into a fight. It did not surprise you, this student seemed to be upset all the time. He was tall and had chains on his uniform. He wore a hat that joined his hair in the back. He looked at you, noticing your injured knees.

"The nurse can't help you now. You can come to my house. My mom can help you," he said, adjusting his hat.

You decided to go with him so that you could get help. (Plus, you wanted to stay with Kakyoin.) Mrs. Kujo helped both you and Kakyoin with your injuries. She was extremely sweet, and she offered for you to stay the night. You wanted to stay with Kakyoin so you spent the night.

You woke up and heard a commotion in Kakyoin's room. You walked in to find the other student, Jotaro as you learned the day before, an older man, an Egyptian, and a purple man reaching out towards Kakyoin's head.

"What are you doing to him!?" you yelled, startling the men.

"You can see his Stand?" the Egyptian asked.

"Of course I can see it, it's right there," you pointed towards the purple man.

The purple being pulled a brain-looking thing out of Kakyoin's forehead. Once it was removed, you rushed over to Kakyoin's side.

"(Y/N)?" Kakyoin asked.

"I'm right here," you said, placing your hand on his cheek.

His violet eyes looked up at your (E/C) ones.

"Miss, we should introduce ourselves," the older man said. "My name is Joseph Joestar. I am Jotaro's grandfather. This is my friend, Avdol."

"My name is (Y/N)," you said. "It is very nice to meet you."

"You said that you could see his Stand?" Avdol said.

You nodded your head.

"That means that you have one as well, do you mind showing us?" Avdol summoned his Magicians Red.

You stood up, summoning your Pink Sky (all of the Major Arcana tarot cards had been used, so I tried to resemble the tarot cards). She was about your height, with long dark hair. Her skin was a pink color. She was a weak stand, when it came to strength. Her special move was to immobilize an opponent with fear.

"That's impressive," Avdol stated.

You spent the rest of the day learning about Stands. The next morning, Holly had fallen in the kitchen. She had a Stand and it was killing her. You then learned about DIO, and that defeating him in the next 50 days would save Holly.

You all left immediately, travelling towards Cairo. You fought many enemy Stand users. You gained a dog on the journey. When Kakyoin was injured, you stayed behind with him.

When Kakyoin was better, you started toward Cairo. When you got there, you were both equally exhausted. You decided to crash at a nearby hotel. The only rooms that were available had only one bed.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Kakyoin said.

"I won't let you sleep on the floor," you said.

"It would be awkward if we slept in the same bed," he said.

"I know that you refuse for me to sleep on the floor, and there is no chair for one of us to sleep on. We need to be well rested if we are going to find everyone else tomorrow. We'll share the bed," you said.

Kakyoin didn't argue and you crawled into bed, trying to stay separated, but the bed was small.

After a while, you got cold. You scooted closer to Kakyoin, feeling that he was cold, also. He wrapped his arms around you and you warmed up, falling asleep soon afterwards.

The next morning, you went to find your friends. You ran into Iggy and the Speedwagon Foundation treated his wounds. You found everyone and Iggy led you to the mansion where DIO lived.

Everyone started following Iggy. Kakyoin grabbed your shoulder. You turned around, Kakyoin's face was full of concern, fear, and guilt.

"What is it, Kakyoin?" you asked.

"If something happens while we're here, I want you to know that I love you. You mean so much to me, I don't want to see something to happen to you," he explained.

"We'll be fine. We just have to approach everything with caution. I love you, too," you said.

You approached the mansion together, hand in hand, to face DIO.



Should I continue this story through the fight with DIO? Please let me know in the comments.

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