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"I hope you fall." I say to one of my best friends as he walks across the ledge of a building.

"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck, I give you about a one in one chance of survival."
Pope says looking up at John B.

"Hm." I all he says. He licks his finger and puts it in the air to tell which way the wind is blowing. "Should I do it?" He ask looking down at us.

"Yeah, you should jump, i'll shoot you on the way down." Pope says aiming a drill at John B.

"You'll shoot me?" John B ask. He makes a gun with his hand and points down at Pope. "Pow!" He says.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kie says as she makes her way out of the unfinished house.

"Wait are you serious?" I ask Kie. She sits down next to me and continues on.

"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles I guess?" She says with a scoff.

"I can't have cold towels." JJ says from right above me. He was leaning over the railing with a beer in his hand. I wiggle my fingers up at him and he wiggles his down at mine.

"Can you please not kill yourself?" Kie ask as she looks up at JB performing his stunt.

"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one!" JJ yells up at him.

John B puts his foot down and the beer falls out of his hand and onto the floor.

"Oh shit." He breaths out.

"Of course you did like right when I told you not to." JJ scoffs taking a sip of his beer.

"Dumbass." I tease up at John B. He gives me his middle finger and I give him mine back.

I hear a door slam and I face towards where Popes standing. "Hey!" I hear someone yell.

"Hey, uh, security's here, lets wrap it up." Pope says as he taps on the railing twice.

"Boys are early today." John B says still standing at the top of the house.

"Humpty Dumpty, lets roll." JJ calls out to JB.

I lift myself up and climb over the railing.

"Lets go, boys and girls." Kie says before taking off.

"Gary is that you?" I hear JJ yell."

"Gary, good to see you." He says.

"Your asking for it." I say as JJ lowers himself down from the top of the railing.

We all yell and laugh as we run in the house getting away from the cops that were chasing us. I run right behind JJ and come to a quick halt and when almost falls down the steps and dodges one of the cops reaching for him.

"Get'em! They're coming your way!" The cop screams. He tries to grab JJ but he quickly yanks himself away from his grabs. "Not much of a hugger." JJ says.

"Go Pope, go go go go!" JJ yells at Pope as soon as we get to a fence.

Pope jumps over the fence and so does JJ. He turns around and helps me jump down gen fence. I look at Pope and see him laying on the floor.

JJ and I both laugh before helping him up. "Get up Pope, Fatso's coming." JJ says.

"Bus is leaving." John B yells honking the horn.
The three of us sprint to the bus and hop in one by one.

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