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I wake up to the sun beaming on my face. I do my morning routine and decided to let my curls hang. Everyone keeps telling me to cut my hair but I like how it is. It stops at the middle of my back.

I go into my closet and Pick out a white cropped tank and some light washed shorts. I got downstairs and make my way to the door. I open it and see the Cameron's, my next door neighbors.

I see Sarah and walk over to her. I walk past Topper and his minions. One of them whistle and I flip them off and continue walking towards Sarah.

She was talking to a little girl. "Hey Azi." She says. "Hey." I say back. The little girl taps Sarah and gets her attention again. The little girl lost her teddy bear and Sarah said she'd get it for her.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get her." Sarah says. "Be careful of electricity." The little girl says.

Sarah walks across the fallen tree carefully, trying not to step on any wires. "Hey there's 14,000 volts of those wires." Rose shouts. "Hey, Sarah be careful!" Topper yells.

Sarah reaches the boat. "I see her!" She says. the little girl giggles with excitement.

She falls into the boat and screams. Everyone gasp out loudly. She waves the wire cord around and starts laughing. I do the same. "It's disconnected." She laughs.

Sarah walks over to me still laughing. "Good one." I say giving her a high fine while still laughing. "That was fun." She smiles.

We continue walking. "How's John B and JJ?" She ask. "Well John B's face is getting better and JJ is just JJ." I say laughing. "Well can you tell them i'm sorry on behalf of Topper, even though it doesn't make anything better." She ask. "Of course." I say giving her a hug.

We say our goodbye and I make my way to John B's.

I walk up to John B's porch and open the door. They all stop talking and stare at me with dropped jaws. "What?" I asked a little confused and scared. "Did you just make us completely stop and stare at you?" Ki ask. I look around not knowing how to answer the question. "You look stunning." She compliments me. I look down and at my plain outfit. "Thank you?" I say but in a questionable way. I look at JJ and he's just smiling widely.

"Also, Sarah wanted me to tell you guys that she's sorry on Toppers behalf, or whatever that means." I say facing John B and JJ. Ki gags and I roll my eyes and laugh. "Sarah Cameron?" John B ask. My facial expression gives him his answer.

JJ continues his story about how they went to Lana Grubbs house and the same men that attacked us attacked Lara.

"And all we here is just bam, bam, bam!" JJ tells his story. "Knocking paint off the wall, G! From the inside. And i'm just look at him like- Wait, first off, look at this shit." He says cutting himself off. He walks over to the three of us and runs his hands through his hair. "That dandruff, disgusting." Ki says. "Okay we get it." I say shoving his head away from us. "That's paint." JJ says.

The four of them started talking and I just zoned it out. I started thinking about what these guys want and why they need it.

"Yo!" Pope says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"These boys, these killers. They're square groupers." JJ says hitting his Juul. Pope sighs and puts his hands on his hat. "They're square groupers, like narco square groupers, like Pablo Escobar square groupers?"

"Yeah, man." JJ sighs.

"You guys, not everything is a kingpin movie." Ki says. I start zoning out again but JJ sudden panic screams snap me out of it.

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