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"Stealing drones makes me hungry." Ki laughs as we pull up to 'The Wreck'. "Dido." I sigh getting out of the van. "What I would do to get a beer and shrimp and grits right now." JJ jumps out of the van. "It would not be pretty." Pope says. I let out a little laugh.

We walk into the restaurant and Ki greets her dad. The rest of us stand and wait near a table. "I'm so hungry." John B says resting his head on my shoulder. Ki and her dad look over at us and we just wave.

"Sit down." Ki says sarcastically. We all sigh in relief and take seats. I sit with JJ and John B beside me. I take a large basket of fries and start eating them. JJ sticks his hand in and takes a handful of them. I give him a little glare before eating the rest of the fries. I get up and walk towards Pope who's stuffing his face with wings and I take one. I feel something being thrown at me and turn around to see John B throwing fries. I open my mouth and he throws one right in and I jump with excitement.

Ki points at John B for him to dance with her. The three of us stare at them with confusion. Then JJ gets up and pulls me from my seat. He twirls me around and we start moving to the rhythm. I look over at Pope and stick out my hand for him to take it. Soon the five of us are all dancing in the middle of the restaurant.


"What's this right here?" JJ ask touching random buttons in the drones computer. "Don't touch that." Pope smacks his hand away. Ki and John B were under water testing of the drone was recording. "This is so cool." I whisper. Pope looks at me and nods his head agreeing. "God bless geeks pope, truly man." JJ sighs. "What would we do without you to control the drones?" He ask. "Technically it's not a drone it's a ROV." Pope defends. "Shut up. Shut up. It's too early for that right now." JJ says.

We decided it wasn't a good time to drop the drone so we all went out separate ways to handle our business.

I went home and took a shower since I was just bored. I went back home and chilled for a couple of hours.

I heard my front door open and then close. I slowly stand up from my spot on the couch and just waited. Soon someone walks around the corner and my heart stopped racing when I saw John B. "Jesus, you scared the shit outta mean." I say with my hand over my heart. "Let's bounce." He says laughing. I put on my white converse and follow John B to the van. It was already dark outside.

When we got to his house I went straight the back yard and laid in a hammock. Soon the rest of the crew showed up and we were all just laying in the hammocks. I was in one with JJ and ki and Pope and John B shared one.

"You really think it's out there, like no bullshit?" Pope ask breaking the silence. "My father thought it was." John B answers. "But do you?" Pope ask him. "After heading his voice on that tape, I think I do." He says. "Only one way to find out." Pope says as they do their handshake. "Look we're gonna find it, you know. Even JJ believes." I say fiddling with JJ's fingers. "Oh my god JJ do you really believe." John B ask sarcastically. "Totally, wait are we talking about four mil?" He ask. "Four hundred mil." We all say correcting him. "Jinx." Ki giggles. "I'm gonna dream about ship wrecks." JJ says resting his head on my chest. "Good night, Bird!" He yells. "Good night, bird shit." John B says back. I laugh and JJ sticks up his middle finger.

It's the next morning and we're today we're gonna drop the drone.

"Alright JJ pin it here." John B says. "Roger that, X marks the spot." JJ says stoping the boat.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, to going full Kook." John B says before dropping the drone. Ki continues lowering the drone and I tally how deep it's going. "One hundred feet." I say as we reach the orange tape on the rope.

"Four hundred feet!" I tally.

"The tides turning!" Ki yells. All of a sudden we hear thunder. I look up at the sky and see grey clouds.

"Keep the tether out of the prop!" John B yells at Ki. "She's trying!" I yell back at him. The boat starts to sway with the wind. "JJ hold it steady!" John B yells. "Okay, 900!" I yell.
"John B there's too much current we're gonna lose it." Ki struggles. I grab onto the rope and help her hold it.

"980!" Ki and I both yell. We stop lowering the drone and go over to where Pope and John B were. We all stare into the computer drone.

"Good, god." Pope laughs. "See anything?" JJ yells. "It's the Royal Merchant." John B smiles. We all look at each other with excitement.

The drone circles around the boat as we wait for something to show up. John B sighs. "It's not there, Just pull the drone up."

"We can do another pass. Recharge the battery We can go back down." Pope tries to convince. "Guys we've been through it three times. There's nothing there." JJ yells. "Shut up!" Ki yells at him. "What, it's true." He yells back. "The gold could be buried. We don't know." She says. "If it was there it would've been found on the metal detector, okay. Somebody beat us too it" John B says frustrated. We all stand around in defeat as JJ drives us back to shore.


literally the shortest chapter omg what the heck!!!

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