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Kie insists that we take the reck to the coast guard, so that's what we're doing.

We all head to the coast guard and make our way go the front desk. John B's on one side and JB and I are on the other.

"Excuse me." John B says trying to get the mans attention. "Hey man, we found a boat." JJ says in a normal to the man. "Yea, couple dead bodies floating around, no big deal." I also say in my normal voice. "You're gonna wanna hear this." John B says to the man calmly. "Hey, calm down!" The man shouts at him. John be fixes his hat before walking away. I take JJ's hand and escort us out of the crowd of worried people.

"Well that went well." One of them says.

"So what's the plain." JJ ask his arm resting on JB shoulder. I stand next to Kie and listen to the boys talk.

"I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat." JB says holding the motel key up.

A small smile appears on my face.

"We don't know who's room that is it could be anyone." Pope says.

"That's what makes it fun popie." I say catching the boat keys JB threw at me.

"Come on Bubba." I hear JJ say behind me as Pope catches up to him.

We arrive at the motel and it looks like absolute shit.

JJ whistles. "I thought the château looked bad." He says.

"This place is a shit show." JB says.

"Motel or Meth lab?" I ask.

"You be the judge." Pope says.

"Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-white stays." JB says.

"No. Looks like a please someone with a Grady white would get killed." Pope adds on.

"This is your caption speaking. HMS Pogue comin in for landing." JJ says talking into a fake walkie talkie. I silently laugh at his goofyness.

"We good." JB ask. "Yeah, we good." JJ answers.

"You comin, princess?" JJ ask sticking his hand out for me to grab.

"Why not." I say taking his hand.

"Hey, don't let them do anything stupid." Pope says pointing at JJ and I. I put my hands up in defense. JB turns around to look at the two of us.

"Oh we will." JJ says without hesitation.

"I'm not making promises." JB says back to Pope. "Yeah, I know." Pope says letting out a sigh.

"Be careful, I mean it." Kie says handing JB the key. He looks at her in aww for a second. "Yeah." He says before walking away.

"Come on boys, lets bounce." I say walking in front of them towards the Hotel.

"Dude, she's so hot." JJ whispers to JB in a convincing tone. "Shut up." John be whispers back quickly. "Like loo-, "Just shut up." JJ gets cut off my JB.

"Why are all these matters down here." JB ask as we make out war to the top of the hotel. "After a Hurricane, they ditch me because they get moldy." JJ answers.

"Oh wow that gross." I say a little amused. The two boys launch behind me and I continue walking.

"Just be so careful, John." JJ says grabbing onto John B and mimicking a girl voice.

"God, dude you're so weird." JB says.

"What was that about." JJ ask.

"I don't know, maybe she wasn't us to be careful." JB says in a 'dub' Tone.

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