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It's been two days since what happened to John B and Sarah. I haven't seen JJ, Ki or Pope since.

I haven't even left the house yet. The only thing i've done was eat, sleep and shower, on repeat.

JJ, Ki, Pope and I all sat around my room in silence.

JJ was cuddled under me and Ki and Pope were sitting on the love sack.

We just sat around in our own world doing nothing.

"I don't believe it" Ki breaks the silence.

We all zone out of our worlds and focus on her.

"Ki-." Pope starts but I cut him off.

"Me either." I say agreeing with Ki.

"Me either." JJ says.

"Me either." Pope lastly adds.

We all look at Pope and wait for him to come up with something smart.

He sighs. "If John B and Sarah are still alive, they're gonna go where the gold is. The gold should already be at its destination." Pope says.

"None of us know where the gold is tho." Ki says.

I think for a second. "The Bahamas." I say.

The three of them look at me.

"The day the plane took off, earlier that morning I heard my gramps talking about the Cameron's going on the vacation to the Bahamas." I say.

"So if John B and the treasure are both there, we have to go." Ki says.

"How the fuck are we supposed to do that!" JJ asked a little annoyed.

Just as Ki was about to say something a knock on the door stops here.

"Come in." I sigh.

My grandma opens the door with a smile on her face.

"Hi kids." She waves. "Um, dear, your grandpa and I have been talking about how stress this whole situation is, and we decided it would be nice to go on a little vacation. We didn't have any places in mind so, I decided to ask you where you think a nice place would be." She strides in.

"Bahamas!" I scream jolting up.

My grandma flinches at my sudden actions and I quickly take me seat back next to JJ.

"Um the Bahamas." I say more quieter.

"Well, i've never been to the Bahamas and I have always wanted to go. Okay! The Bahamas it is. You guys can come along to but I at least need permission from y'all parents." She says before happily walking out the door.

We sit there in shock.

"There is no way that just happened." Ki laughs.

"I'm in!" JJ says.

"Me too!" Ki says.

"Me three." Pope says.

I look around at my three best friends with a big smile.

"Pack your bags...we're going on vacation."

This was soooo much fun i wish their was a season two. I don't wanna end the story but I also don't know how to continue it. I'm so sad. I might make a sequel AHHH I DON'T KNOW


Thank you guys so so much for all of the love and reads it makes me so happy.

I'm starting a new JJ story called 'The Kook' which i'm so excited to make because I don't want to stop making stories abt him so make sure to check that one out!!!

I love you guys!!!

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