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"He said it looked something like this." Ki says as Sarah, her and I go over some drawn map. "That's 50 feet down and they're using a 100 feet rope." She explains. "I-is that a wagon?" I ask pointing at the paper. Sarah lets out a laugh. "Who drew this?" "Who do you think?" She laughs.

"Hey, Azi is that JJ's flannel?" Sarah wiggles her eyebrows. "It totally is." Ki smirks. "I just needed some thing to cover up my bikini top." I blush. "Oh my god, you're blushing." Sarah laughs. "Speaking of the devil." Ki says. We all look up to see JJ waking over to us.

"Ki, this better work. We can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it." JJ throws the gold on the van carpet.

Ki picks up a blow torch. "It's gonna work." She says.

Ki melts the gold as the rest of us sit and watch. I look at Pope and we do our handshake. I look at JJ and playfully smack his but.
"My turn." He says and smacks mine back.

The six of us get in the van and head to a pawn shop.

"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein." JJ says getting out the van. "Like you could've don't better." Ki snaps back.
"Hey, chill out." John B breaks them up. "It's easy for you to say. You're not the me that has to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ says. "Do you see this?" JJ places the gold in my face. "Mhm." I shake my head. "How did I get this job anyway?" He ask. "Cause your the best liar. Plus it was either you or Azi and Azi can't like for shit." Pope says. "Hey." I pout.

We walk in the pawn shop and all stand in different spots around the store.

"I see you buy gold." JJ says to the lady and the register. "That's what the sign say, don't it." She sasses.

"Well I sure hope you buy a lot of it because i'm about to blow your mind." JJ says.

"I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have it." She says.

JJ takes the gold out of the bag and sits it on the counter. "How about them gold apples?"

The lady starts laughing. "That ain't real."

"That ain't real?" JJ questions. "It can't be." She chuckles. "Feel how heavy it is." JJ says.

She struggles with the gold before picking it up. "Let's get some light on that." JJ says.

She turns on a light and magnifies the gold. "Spray painted tungsten." She says. "Spray painted tungsten. Really? Okay?" JJ laughs.

Ki walks over to me and we start admiring everything in the shop.

"Oh the acid test. My favorite, guys." JJ says getting our attention.

She daps this kind of liquid on the gold and nothing happens.

"Well it ain't plated and it ain't painted." She says. "Ma'am i'm telling ya, this is as real as the day is long." JJ says.

The lady goes to the back of the store to talk to her boss. A few minutes later she comes back out. "So I talked to my boss. And this what what we can do." She says.

They both had a little agreement about how much the gold should cost. When they came to a deal she said she didn't have the money at the shop so, she sent us to a warehouse.

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