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The five of us all went to the beach and set up the Kegger. JB poured us all drinks and before we knew it people started showing up and it was getting dark.

I was sitting on a high tree stump with my cup of beer in my hand. It wasn't even half way gone. I felt someone presence and I looked over to see Rafe. We weren't friends at all but we didn't hate each other either. If Rafe was here that meant Sarah was here. Sarah and I are good friends, even though she did have an attitude, but I know her and Ki don't like each other.

"Yes, Rafe?" I ask. He lets out a little sigh. "Your grandma wanted me to tell you that her and your grandpa wouldn't be getting back him until tomorrow." He says taking a sip of his beer. I shake my head with my lips pierced together. He was about to say something else but I cut him off. "Bye." I say pushing myself off the stump and walking away.

I walk over to where everyone else is and stand next to JB and JJ. Just as Sarah and Topper, her Kook boyfriend were about to leave JJ stops them.

"Oh wait, hey, hey Sarah!" JJ yells. "Sarah can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage." He ask. John B and I stand beside him and watch.

"No, thanks." Sarah says. "Come on, is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ ask offended. "No, we were just leaving." She says. "Hey, you know what, i'll take it." Topper steps in. "That's nice, but I didn't ask you, if you said pretty please maybe, but you didn't." JJ says. "Oh, pretty please?" Topper laughs.

"Yeah, Sarah." He says offering her the cup again. "She doesn't want it." Topper says slapping the cup out of JJ hands. All the beer covers my body and I stand there in shock for a few seconds. "Topper!" Sarah yells.

JJ looks back at me and then Topper. "Motherfucker." JJ says grabbing Toppers collar and pushing him back. "No no no no." JB says holding JJ back.

Ki grabs my hand and pulls me to where she was standing. "Is it in your eyes?" She ask trying to get the bear out of my face. I shake my head no and she holds my hand.

"You're so funny, man. Dirty Pogues!" Topper yells. Seconds Later John B pushes Topper. Pope tries cooling him down but Topper gets in the way and punches John B. Ki and I both let out loud gasp.

"Topper!" Sarah screams again. "Come on, B get up!" I yell. Topper continues kicking him in the water. "Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right." Topper yells. He kicks him one more time before John B gets up and tackles him in the water.

"John B, let it go!" Pope yells. Ki and I stand there in shock. I rub my hands through my hair and breath heavily. "Stop, you guys!" Ki yells. They continue throwing punches at each other's waist.

JB throws a punch at Topper and JJ and Pope cheer him on. "Come on, John B!" I yell. JJ and Pope run over to Ki and I and JJ holds my hand. They continue fighting and John B flips Topper over and throws him in the water. "Come on, Topper!" John B yells. Topper grabs on to John B and forces his head under water. "No! Stop" I yell. "Topper, stop!" Sarah yells.

He keeps showing John B's head in and out of the water. "He's drowning him." Pope Panics. "I know." Ki says. JJ hesitates before letting go of my hand and running over to his bag. He then runs over to Topper and points a gun at Toppers head. Everyone goes quiet before that start screaming and running away.

"Yeah, you know what that is, your movie, broski!" JJ yells at him. "JJ, no!" Pope yells. "JJ!" I yell. "JJ, what the hell." Ki yells.

"Put the gun down." Sarah says as we all walk closer to them. "Did you say something, princess?" JJ ask, still holding the gun to Toppers head. "We're good! We're good!" Topper repeated with his hands up in surrender. "Hey! Can you check your psycho friend, please." Sarah ask Ki and I. We both just flipped her off.

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