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I wake up to the sound of voices talking.

I slowly sit up and look over at Ki. I shake her awake and she shoots up. She calms down when she sees my face and starts laughing.

"Why are you making that face?" She ask.

I fix my grumpy face and blink a couple times to get the tiredness in my eyes out.

I throw my hair in a bun and Ki and I walk over to JJ and Pope who haven't noticed us yet.

"We were in that car. They're probably looking for us, too." Ki speaks up interrupting their conversation.

They both turn out focus to us.

"Well if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B." Pope says.

"I'm in." I say.

"So, don't him before that do?" JJ ask. "Pope?"

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat." Pope walks past us.

"Be careful." Ki says.

Pope looks at her and looks back at JJ.

"Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late." He says and walks out the door.

I look at Ki and she gives me a confused look before walking out the door behind Pope.

JJ and I follow behind her.

"Okay what is your problem?" She ask going down the steps.

"No problem officer, i'm just doing my job." Pope says getting on his bike.

"Look, i'm sorry I hurt your feelings." She walks up to him.

Pope revs his engine as Ki tries to talk to him.

"What was that?" He continues revving his engine.

"I didn't mean to?" She says. "Pope i'm being serious."

"I'm trying to talk to you." She says and Pope takes off on his bike.

She turns around and makes her way back towards us when a helicopter flies right over.

"Who the hell is that?" JJ ask.

The three of us go back inside the restaurant.


"You sure he wasn't just being weird Pope?" JJ ask as we stack up food.

"It wasn't the really kind of thing that needed interpretation." Ki answers.

"Is that gonna be enough food for them?" I asked looking at the food in a bag.

"I mean, for a couple of weeks, and that's all they need, so.." JJ says.

"I think I actually hurt his feelings." Ki announces.

"Ki, don't beat your self up too much. He's completely changed his feels." I say as we exit the restaurant.

"I hate to admit it but I miss the old Pope." Ki says.

JJ and I walk to my car and stop when Ki's no longer walking.

The both of us turn around as she stands there with her mouth open.

"What?" I ask concerned.

"Azi, when did you get a new car?" She points at the G Wagon.

"Oh." I chuckle. "It's my dads. It's been in the garage ever since, you know." I say.

She puts a smile on her face. "We're definitely taking the G Wagon."

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