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*okay so this chapter is supposed to be a chapter that's happened after JJ and Azlia kiss. And John B's back from his trip with Sarah, so basically it's after episode for. It's just like their little break away from all this treasure hunting stuff. So just a fun chapter i made up*


I wake up to the early morning sun beaming on my face. I looked around for JJ so I just figured he was with John B or something.  I put on a white crop top and some plaid yellow and white pants. I throw on my shell necklace and leave my yarn bracelets on. I then throw on my favorite white pair on converse. I go downstairs and too my surprise I see Ki eating a bowl of cereal.

"Kiara how'd you get in here? I ask. She holds up a key and continues stuffing her mouth with cereal.

"Wait are matching!" She yells getting up to show me her outfit. She's wearing the same white crop top as me but had on pink plaid pants. "Omg best frannn!" I say in an annoying voice. "Best fran!" She says back.

The both of us finish our breakfast and decide to go to John B's house. We take lots of goofy and ugly pictures on the way there.

Ki and I get to John B's house and Ki forcefully opens the door. The tree boys all turn their heads in terror. "Sup bitches." I say walking in. "Ew!" JJ sarcastically gags. I stick my middle finger up at him and go sit next to Ki.

"We should have a sleepover." I say out of nowhere. "We literally have sleepovers everyday." Pope says.

"I mean like, staying up watching scary movies, dancing, eating a bunch of food, gossiping. I can go on." I say. "I'm in." Ki quickly says.

The guys just stare at each other. "You can bring anything you want." I say. Then they agree.

"All of this is going down in your basement, okay, It's smell and sound proof." JJ says hitting his Juul. "My gramps won't be there." I evil grin. "Fuck yeah." He winks.

"Let's go get some food." John B says. We all agreed that we were hungry and went to the pier. We decided to stop at a taco truck.

"Do you think Scooter's body was in the marsh when we found the boat." I ask taking a bite out of my taco. "Probably, we just didn't see it." Ki answers. I get start to get full and give the rest of my taco to John B. "Would've been great if we found it though." He says taking a bit out of the taco. "Why." Pope ask. "Finders fee." He answers. "Can we not talk about this while we eat." Ki laughs.

"Maybe we should make it a Pogue party and then after the four of us just sleep over." Ki insist. I think for a second. "Okay, but only Pogues." I say. "Duh." She smiles. "Guys, you know the Kooks are gonna show up." Pope cuts in. "They might show up but, they won't get in." I state. "Let's do it." John says.

We get a bunch of snacks and drinks for the party. We also buy a few beers and set them up outside. I take off the pool cover for people that want to get in. I leave on my same outfit but fix up my hair and put on a little bit of makeup.

A few hours later my house was packed with Pogues. People were hanging out in the pool and on the roof just having a good time. Ki and I were spittle on my kitchen counter watching everybody party.

"Hey can I tell you something?" She ask. "Of course." I say. "John B and I kissed." She confesses. I almost chock on my water. "You what?" I ask in shock. "It was when we were running away from the cops they say at the lighthouse. He told me he was just stressed and caught up in the moment, so he kissed me." She shrugs. "Did you like it?" I ask. "Yeah, I did, but I told him I just wanted to be friends, plus the 'no pogue on pogue macking'." She says. "Ki forget that stupid rule, if you like him then go for it." I smile. "Azi, trust me, I don't, I like is way better as friends." She says. "You sure?" I ask. "Positive!" She says and we do our handshake.

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