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Hello my loves, I know this doesn't have anything to do JJ, but, I'm pretty sure we're all aware of everything that is going on in the world right now.

Right now I am in a very unnecessary argument with burntasschickennugg

They are calling me ignorant because I believe in ACAB. They are telling me what I believe in is not true. Everyone has their own opinion. I know that all cops are NOT bastards. There are plenty of good cops in the world. But in these situations I believe ACAB. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with be bc EVERYONE HAD THEIR OWN OPINION.

Apparently I need to give this person proof as to why I believe in what I believe. As a black person in America, what is going on in the world right now is very hard to deal with.

Here are some of the victims that were KILLED by police man bc of the color of their SKIN.

There's is a 22 minute long audio naming all the black people that were killed by police

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There's is a 22 minute long audio naming all the black people that were killed by police.

The names on this list are not even CLOSE to how many black people have been killed by people. This is since 2014!!

NO ONE should EVER have to prove to someone as to why they believe in what they believe in.

My people should NOT be afraid to walk out, go to the store, take a walk, go for a run, go to a restaurant, drive a car, go to a party or LIVE IN THEIR OWN HOME without having the feeling that they will not be able to see the people they love again.

The cops that killed GEORGE FLOYD are bastards.

The cops that killed ERIC GARNER are bastards.

The cops that killed EZELL FORD are bastards.

The cops that killed TAMIR RICE are bastards.

The cops that killed WALTER SCOTT are bastards.

The cops that killed BREONNA TAYLOR are bastards.

The cops that killed ERIC REASON are bastards.

The cops that killed BETTIE JONES are bastards.

The cops that killed NATASHA MCKENNA
are bastards.

The cops that killed PHILANDO CASTLIE are bastards.

The cops that killed BOTHAM JEAN are bastards.

The cops that killed ATATIANA JEFFERSON are bastards.

burntasschickennugg Here is your proof that I am able to believe in what I believe in just like you are.

Thank you to every single one of you that are taking apart of the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement. It means more than anything in the world that you want to make a change!!!!!




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