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"She said she's not coming." Pope says walking out of the restaurant. We were picking up Ki. "Why not?" JJ asked in the passenger seat. "What'd you do to her, John B?" I ask. "Shit. Hang on, I'll deal with it." He says getting out of the car. Three of us all wait for John B to come back with Ki, and he does.

"You mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day and a lot of weird stuff's gone down." JJ says. He leans back into me and lights the blunt he had just rolled up. He looks me in the eyes and blows the smoke right in my face. "Asshole." I say fanning it away. "Me, an asshole?" He questions. "Yes." I state. He just winks at me and rest his head in my lap.

"Look, I know I was wrong about the lighthouse and wrong about everything else going on, but I was right about one thing, okay? My dad is trying to tell me something." John B says trying to convince us.

John B parks in front of a cemetery and the five of us pile out of the van. He gives us all flashlights. I look at the top of my flashlights and push the button at the bottom. The flashlights comes on blinds me. I quickly gave it towards the ground and blink a couple of time to regain my eyesight. "Dumbass." JJ laughs.

We start walking deeper into the cemetery. "This place is scary." I say innocently. "Yeah, John B what are we doing here!" Ki ask. "Shut up, okay do you know how you're trying to remember a song, but you can't remember who sings it?" He ask her. "Yeah." She says. "So redfield, this whole time I thought it was a place, right, but it's not a place. It's a person." He shines his flashlights up at a wall and it says the word 'Redfield'.

"Voi-effing-la." JJ says pointing his flashlight at the wall.

"See, my great great grandmother Olivia Redfield." John B says looking back at us. "Wow." Is all I can say.

"Help me with the door, come on." JB says. The three boys try and push the door and Ki and I just watch. They continue pushing and a snake slithers through one of the cracks.

"Holy shit." I say and Ki and I back up. "That's a moccasin all right, death in tall grass." JJ says. He starts barking at the snake. "JJ, Shut up!" Ki snaps. "JJ are you crazy." I say. "You're gonna wake the freakin dead man." Pope pushing JJ back. "They're afraid of dogs." He says innocently.

The four of them start bickering and I run my flashlight among the wall. I stop my flashlight at an entrance that's about the size of me. "I can get through." I say. They all stop talking.
"What? No No, you think you're gonna fit through the whole?" John B ask. "Look, I'm flexible enough to fit through it." I say handing my flashlight to Pope. "That's hot." JJ says making Ki slap him on the arm.

"Can you give me a boost." I ask anyone. JJ gets down and cuffs his hands. "I've seen it in movies several times, Ready?" He ask. "Remind me what we're looking far?" I ask John B. "You'll know when you see it." He says.

"All right, so put your hands right there, all right on three." JJ says. I don't wait until three and just push myself up. "Okay, never mind just forget about three." He says holding my balance. I climb over and land on my feet. Pope hands he my flashlight through the whole and I start searching for anything.

"You alive, you got like a heartbeat and everything." John B ask from the other side. "I think so." I say a little scared. I walk up too a hole in one of the walls and see a Fedex envelope. "Woah." I smile.

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