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The three of us listen to the radio about a storm as we make our way to where the Phantom was.

I look at with concern.

"It's fine. It'll be fine with the Phantom." He assures.

"Shit." Ki mumbles.

Four police cars drive right for us and we all try to hide our face as they drive by.

"They're still looking. It's a good sign." Ki sighs.

I let out a dee breath and continue driving.

JJ tells me to turn right and we pull up to a garage house.

We get out the car and follow JJ.

He walks up to the door and slides it open revealing a big boat.

"There she is." He says walking in as Ki and I follow.

"A 1983 Formula 402 SR1. The Phantom." JJ says giving it a little pat.

He looks back at us and we give him an unsure look.

"First boat to make the run to Bremuda in under 16 hours, guys. Forty years old. Forty!" He exaggerates.

"It's kind of a junket." Ki says. "Mhm." I agree shaking my head.

"Really, she's right there." Ki says pointing to the boat. "She can hear you. Let's just put it this way. You would not be smoking weed right now is she never existed, okay?"

"I just hope it runs." I say. "Oh no, shell run alright. She's after then any cutters the boys in blue got." JJ says untangle objects from the boat.

We hear a motorcycle approach and Ki walks towards it.

"Pope, finally!" She says.

"Hey there. What's going on?" A voice that's not Pope says.

I stop what i'm doing and look up to see Rafe.

"JJ, Azi, how you guys doing?" He ask.

Someone whistles and I turn around to see Barry staring right at me.

"Well, well." Barry says as him and Rafe close us in.

Barry pulls out a gun and aims it right at JJ. JJ looks at me and Barry follows his gaze.

"Oh yeah." He chuckles.

He laughs and points the gun at me.

"No." JJ snaps.

Barry looks at him and points it back at JJ. Then he points it back at me laughing going back and forth with his gun aimed at JJ and I.

He finally points his gun at JJ and walks towards him.

"See, don't think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road." He says. "I'm here because I want my motherfucking money, and your girl." He looks back at me.

Barry pushes JJ to the ground and I try to run to him but get picked up by Rafe.

"Rafe!" I yells trying to get out of his grip.

Ki tries to go for JJ but Barry points his gun at her.

"Don't fucking move!" He yells at her.

Rafe puts me down and turns me towards him. "It's it you we want, Azi. Where's John B." He ask.

"I don't know!" I slap him across the face.

"I really wish you didn't do that." He says walking towards me.

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