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"Pope, you clocked that car, man." JJ laughs as we continue driving.

"That was so bad." I laugh along.

"I'm just glad i'm not driving now." Pope takes another hit.

"Pull over!" Ki yells annoyed.

Pope recklessly pulls the car over and Ki gets out the car.

"That's not funny, he shouldn't be driving." She says getting in the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" I ask as Ki drives.

"The last place they're gonna look." She says.

I nod my head and look at JJ. He takes in the cigarette and gracefully blows it out his mouth.

He smiles at me before throwing the cigarette out the window.

We pull up right in front of my house.

"Ki, why are we at my house?" I ask sitting up in my seat.

"I need you to talk to Sarah." She says.

"I can't go in their my gramps are probably over their wondering where i'm at." I confess.

She huffs. "Fine Pope and I will go, you two stay here. JJ don't get distracted." Ki points at JJ.

"That's gonna be hard." JJ looks down at me and winks.

Pope and Ki climb over my side fence and walk to the Cameron's back yard.

"Come on." I whisper grabbing JJ's hand.

We walk to my back yard hand in hand.

I find my gramps room and see their light off.

"Are they home?" JJ ask. "Umm, I don't know, but just stay quiet." I say and JJ shakes his head.

I open the back door and JJ closes it behind us.
We tip toe upstairs to my room and I let out a deep breath when JJ shuts the door.

I walk over to my dresser and take out clean clothes for JJ and I.

We both change and JJ lays down on his back on my bed. I walk over to him and lay right on top of him.

I rest my head on his chest and his arms snake around my waist. He draws circles on my back with his hand.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you more." He says.

"Forever and always." I add.

We lay in that position for a while until we hear a loud crash noise outside.

I shoot my head up and give JJ a confused look.

I climb off of him and walk over to my window with JJ behind me.

"Shit." He says as we look at the fire burning in the Cameron's back yard.

"It's them, come on." I say.

We quickly but quietly race down the steps and into the kitchen.

I open one of the draws and grab a random pair of keys.

JJ opens the garage door and I quickly walk in.

"Shit." I mumble.

"What?" JJ panics.

"None of these keys go with any of these cars." I huff.

"What, there's like four cars in here." His voice cracks.

I look around until my eyes fall open a tarp covering a large object.

"Five." I smile at JJ.

"What do you mean?" He ask.

I walk over to the tarp and yank it down reveling my dads black G Wagon.

"Holy shit." JJ breaths out.

"Yeah." I agree.

I walk to the drives seat and open the door. I step up and sit in the seat. JJ opens the passenger door and easily climbs up.

"I thought your dad sold this." He says confused.

"So did I." I say swiping my finger across shiny wooden steering wheel.

JJ and U start looking around for the keys. JJ opens the glove department and the keys fall right out.

"Jackpot." He smiles at me.

He hands me the keys and I start the car.

I push the garage opener in the car and the garage starts to open.

Just as I'm about to back out the garage door opens reveling my gramps with shocked expression.

"Uh oh." JJ says.

I look at them through the car glass and mouth the words 'sorry' before putting the car in reverse and stepping on the gas.

"They're gonna kill you." JJ says as we pull out of the driveway.

"Totally." I sigh.

We decide to go to The Wreck hoping for Ki and Pope to be there.

When we arrive I see keys car parked and sign of relief.

We walk in and I immediately get tackled in a hug.

"Omg." I Ki says.

I wrap my arms around her and return her hug.

"Come on let's get some sleep." I grab her hand.

We walk over to a booth and lay on both ends so that the top of our heads were touching.

We were away from the boys.

"Pope told me he loved me." Ki confesses.

Since I can't yell I hold all my excitement in.

"No fucking way." I whisper.

"Yeah, but I told him I didn't feel the same way and that it was a horrible time to confess his love for me." She sighs. "Now I feel bad, now I don't know how to feel actually."

"Do you love him back?" I ask.

She hesitates before answering my question.

"I have no fucking idea." She quietly giggles.

I stick my hand out above my head for her to grab it. "I want you to know, I will always be here for you and with you. We're still gonna marry princes and live in a castle Paris. Even though I already found my prince. I know your if waiting out there for you. And he better come quick cause I'm starting to get impatient." I laugh at the last part.

Ki laughs and holds onto me hand tighter.

"You are literally the best friend in the whole entire world." She laughs.

"Yeah, I know." I smile.

hey bitchesssssss!!!

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