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You bowed again and again to the man infront of you, you have always heard so highly of him. You only saw him on televisions but now he was infront of you.

Old and smiling at you, he was a nice person, you thought.

"Jin kept crying when he was little, I used to go in his room and find him awake, he told me he missed his sister, he loves you a lot, you should know that."

Mr Kim explained and you nodded with puppy eyes looking at your lovely brother, Jin only chuckled shyly remembering those days, they were no longer hurtful to him.

"Dad, enough of her to know all of this " he spoke and you slapped his arm slightly, "Shh, I need to hear it!"


Taehyung folded his sleeves while walking downstairs, everyone was having their breakfast, he stopped suddenly when he heard them talk.

"Hyung you should be careful" Jungkook said.

"Yah. It's nothing. Their is always risk in such things!" Jin whined back.

"You almost got shot! It's not risk! It's danger!" Namjoon said.

"Shh! Don't talk about these things here. What if Y/n hears us!?" Jin scolds them back and their is a silence for a while.

"Where is Y/n though?" Jungkook asked, "Yeah she is late for breakfast today. Is she sleeping? But she slept early last night. She must be hungry since she couldn't finish the pasta I made"

Jin spoke causing Jungkook to pout angrily, "You never take care of me like that!"

Taehyung clenched his jaw thinking you must have been not fine. He could see it, the whole day you were tired and angry.

He steps backward and run upstairs to check on you and his intuitions were right, you were clinging onto the stair handle while walking and your one hand was on your forehead.

But when you saw him glaring at you, you stood straight and started to look here and there.

"One side of your face looks dead."

He exclaimed and you glared at him back, "Can you stop nagging at me again and again!? I feel so fresh in the morning. I'm totally fine. See. See" You spoke and jumped continuosly.

But you lost your balance and he caught you, "Fresh my ass. You need to tell them."

He said while holding your back and your wrist secured tightly in his one hand, "Can you just mind your business?" You asked with an angry frown. Why does he keep bothering you.

Why don't he just leave you alone!?

You thought and he suddenly left you, you fell on your butt and glared at him, "You... lemonhead!!" Yelling whilst both of your eyes glaring at each other, you suddenly broke the eye contact and ran back in your room while holding your mouth.

"She is crazy." Taehyung breathed out angrily.

Going downstairs, he joined the boys with breakfast and after a while you came downstairs too.

"What took you so long? You are always the first one to arrive" Jungkook asked and you were about to say something but Taehyung spoke.

"She was throwing up and getting dizzy. "

You looked at him with a glare and he fake grinned at you, "And she keep on fainting frequently."

You widened your eyes and ran towards him, smashing your palm onto his mouth, you stopped him from saying anything further.

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