Chapter 10

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              (TIMESKIP 2 WEEKS)
I get a phone call from Gaten. "Heyyyy, okay so are your bags all packed?!" He asks. "Yep!" I say.
All the cast are flying to Atlanta to start filming. I can't wait!

(Btw y/n and Noah are still friends , but y/n and Gaten are more best friends and Finn and y/n are still friends 2 )

My mom and I get in the car and my mom starts driving.
After nearly an hour we arrive at the airport.
I get out of the car, and Mason hugs me. Wow he never hugged me before.

"Woah I'm only going a couple of months!" I say hugging him back. "I know.." He says. My mom and I say our goodbyes.
I see Natalia and Charlie talking and I was about to go up to them when someone hugs me and starts spinning me.  It's joe!

  When joe first found out I was apart of the cast, he immediately started talking to me online. We are pretty close now and we finally met!
"Hi!" He says. "Heyyyy!" I say. We start talking while waiting for the others.

"Okay everyone are we all here?" Ross asks everyone. "Yes!" Everyone replies. I also have no idea who I'm sitting with. At least there are three chairs, so it won't be awkward or anything.
Natalia and Charlie come up to me. "Hey we are all sitting next to each other!" Charlie says. "Oh yay!" I say. Yay I'm siting next go good people!

After a while I see Winona, David, Millie and some of the others. " Let's go!" Joe says.

I get on the plane.
I take the window seat and Charlie and Natalia sit next to me. We all are talking at first, but Charlie and Natalia start having their own, inside conversations, which I'm fine with!

Ugh okay it's been nearly 40 minutes, THEY ARE STILL TALKING.

"PSSSTTTT!" Someone says. I look to my right. It's Joe. "Come here!" He says and I go over to him.

"Stay here for a while!" He says. He has  the 3 seats all to himself. "How d-". "Oh don't worry about that!" He says.

About an hour later I wake up to Joe shaking my shoulder. "Hey, we're here!" He says. "Oh awesome!" I say.
Everyone gets out of the plane and I go over to Millie. "Hey!" I say. "Hi!" She says.

We start talking but get interrupted when Ross starts talking. "Thank you all for being here and today, WE ARE STARTING TO FILM STRANGER  THINGS 4!" he says and everyone claps.

We get on set and a woman brings me over to a trailer. "Hi my name is Olivia and I'm your makeup artist!" She says, shaking my hand. "Oh pleasure to meet you!" I say. She sits me down in a chair and does my makeup. She starts putting these spays in my hair and curls it. She is really nice. We have a great conversation, when a man walks in. "Hi I'm Joey, I'm your outfit designer!" He says and shakes my hand. "Hi!" I say. He shows me this outfit:

 He shows me this outfit:

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I try it on. "Nahh not really 80s looking." He says. He gives me this one:

 He gives me this one:

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"Yes!" He says . I go to set and see everyone dressed up.
We start filming. It takes a long time.
A couple of hours later Matt says this: "okay guys you can go to your hotels, but, this was a great day!" He says.

Everyone gets out of their outfits. "Hey Gaten, what hotel?" I ask Gaten. "Oh do you remember, I text you it?" He says. "Wait, that one, that so cool!" I say and Gaten laughs.

Everyone arrives at the hotel but some of us are on different floors. I know that Winona, David, Noah, Mills, Sads and Gaten are on the same floor.

I'm sharing with Mills and Sads, Noah and Gaten are sharing, David has his own room and Winona has her own room.

We all go in our rooms and they are so cool! We kind of just chill out for a while, but then we got a text.

"From Finn!" I say. "Come to the pool all of you, there's a pool party." I read. "LETS GO!" Sadie says. "Omg yeah, let's get changed!" Millie says. We all get changed and head down to the pool.

We see Finn, Caleb, Noah and Gaten.
Gaten walks up to me. "Good evening would you like to go in the pool?!" He says. "What?!" I say, but Gaten takes my hand and jumps in the pool, causing me to fall in.

"It's cold!" I say, while Gaten is laughing his head off.

After a while Noah makes up this contest, best belly flop wins. Everyone agrees so I do too.

Everyone went and I finally came down to my turn. I try to stand up from my seat but I think I stood up to fast. Everyone and everything is moving and suddenly everything turns black.

                       Noah's pov
"I She Okay?" I ask. "yea!" Finn says uncertainty.

He is doing something but nothings happening. I can't let anything happen to her! I start shouting for help and see someone rushing out the door.

It's Joe. "What happened?"He says. He bends down and does something to her. Her eyes open. "Oh thank-"I begin but get interrupted by Joe.

"What happened, she almost died?!" He says. "Okay y/n your staying with me, I'll ask the receptionist to put a  single bed in our room. He says.  Why is he being like that, it wasn't our fault!

Natalia comes down. "Is everything okay, I though I heard screaming?" She says. "No, y/n nearly died!" Joe says and leaves with y/n. Natalia looks all of us and we tell her what happened.

Kind of embarrassing..

Love is strange {Noah schnapp x reader} Where stories live. Discover now