chapter 30

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Charli hugs him and brings him to her room. I turn around and feel him staring at me but I ignore him. We broke up.And as a matter of fact we were not even official! Why didn't he want to be?..


I put my head back on Matt's chest. After a while I fall asleep. I wake up to Matt shaking me. "Y/n,I will drive you home, your mom wants you home."He says. "What time is it?" I ask. He shows me his phone. Its 9:34pm. He walks me out to his car. We get in and he drives away.

I tell him where to go and we arrive home. He opens the car door for me. I smile. I hug him and he looks in my eyes. We kiss. I smile. "Call me tomorrow." I say as I am going inside.

Wow. I like him.... And he is way better than Noah!

Ugh why am i thinking about Noah after kissing another guy?!

Matt's pov

I kissed her. And she kissed back. She smiles. "Call me tomorrow." She says and walks inside.

I drive away. God. I like her alot. I hope she feels the same. But the way she looks at Noah... I hope I am not ruining anything between them.

Noah's pov
(Hours earlier)
Charli opened the door."Noah!" She says and hugs me. She brings me to her room. It is sooo nice. It reminds me of Y/n's room.... Ugh why am I always thinking about her?!

"Soooo.." Charli says. "You have a very nice room.." I say. This is kind of awkward. Why did Charli even invite me here? "Let's watch a movie!" She says. "Oh okay." I say and open the door. "Where are you going?" She asks and shuts the door. "To watch the movie?" I say. I am so confused. "No, lets watch a movie in here together!" She says and turns on her tv.

"Okay then?..."I say and go on her bed. She puts on a movie and cuddles on to me.

After a while, I notice Charli fell asleep. Umm. What do I do? I'll leave!

I get my jacket and go downstairs. I see y/n asleep on Matt's chest. For some reason I feel jealous. I slam the door when I leave. I already called my Mom to pick me up so she is waiting outside.

As we are driving out the gate I see Matt and Y/n getting in to his car. Why is she going with him?! "Mom, stay parked for a minute." I say. She stay in front of the house and I am watching Matt's car. They drive through the gate.

Why are they together?! I feel like crying. I still like Y/n...

But I messed it up....

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