Chapter 27

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                (Timeskip: 3 weeks)
I'm finally going back home today! I'm going to miss everyone here so much though!
We have been through all the interviews!
I can't wait to see everyone at home again!

I am all packed up. I get a text. It's from my co worker, Sofia

(Sofia💚) hey!! A few of us are all at the coffee shop if you want to come?

(You) yeah! I'll be there in about 10 minutes!

(Sofia💚) okay cya!

I get changed and tie up my hair.
I walk down the the coffee shop.

I go in and Sofia runs to me and hugs me. Sofia and I are really close now. I started talking to her, since she's kind and we have a lot in common, and she's really funny!

I hug everyone. I order some coffee and sit back down.

After about an hour, I make sure I have everyone's number, and hug them one last time.
Even though we can visit each other, we all know we are going to be too busy to be with each other again...

I mean at least Im going home!

I get on the plane. It feels weird. I mean mainly because I'm on my own, but something doesn't feel right...

The flight attendant takes me to first class, even though I didn't buy first class.

Some girl sits next to me. She starts freaking out. I turn to her. Oh!

It's Ava
I know her from (a tv show)

"hi!!" She says. "Wow, hi!" I say. She hugs me. "I'm a fan!" She says. "Thank you!" I say.

We talk the whole plane ride. "Hey, can I have your number?" I say as we are getting off the plane. "Omg yeah! It's *******!" She says.  I write it down.
"Call ya later!" I say and hug her. We both walk together.

I see Gaten,Millie,Finn,Caleb, Sadie, Noah, and some other girl.
Who is that?
Why is she here?
I walk over. "Hiii!" The girl says to me. "Hello!" I say. "Hey charli, let's go to the car!" Ava says.

Charli smiles at me and says bye. Ohhh, that's why she was here, to get Ava

Everyone hugs me. Except Noah. He's texting someone. And laughing while reading the messages. I wonder who's he talking to?.....
I mea it's none of my business.!!

Caleb drives us to my house. I hug my Mom and let everyone inside.

We go in to the living room, since it's pretty big, and my Mom leaves to go shopping.

"Soooo.." Noah says. "What should we do?" Sadie says. "TRUTH OR DARE!" Gaten says. "Yesss!" Finn says. "No!" Millie says.

By the time everyone was done arguing, it was official, we were playing truth or dare.

Well let's see how this goes!

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